Refrigeration 2017 Conference


AIRAH’s Refrigeration 2017 Conference will be held in Melbourne on March 27–28, 2017.

Featuring two renowned international keynote speakers, the conference will look at the state of the industry, and how it may respond to the future challenges initiated by COP 21 and the global HFC phase-down.
Refrigeration 2017 will also include sessions reviewing the latest technologies. The conference trade display will provide attendees with an opportunity to interact with leading industry suppliers and their latest refrigeration technology offerings.

The conference committee is now calling for abstracts on an array of subjects, including but not limited to:
    <li>New technologies, research and trends – natural refrigerants, synthetic refrigerants, geothermal and non-vapour compression cycle</li>
    <li>Case studies – of particular interest are projects featuring replacement of HFCs and HCFCs with natural refrigerants or with low-GWP synthetic gases</li>
    <li>Legislation/standards – developments in Australia and internationally</li>
    <li>Safety and compliance</li>
    <li>International market developments, particularly in the US and Europe</li>
    <li>Energy efficiency and the refrigeration industry.</li>
<h3>Two international keynotes to headline AIRAH’s Refrigeration 2017 Conference<strong>
Monika Witt, the vice-chair of European natural refrigerant initiative Eurammon, and Bruce Nelson, Affil.AIRAH, the president of US-based Colmac Coil Manufacturing, will address the conference.

“Securing speakers the calibre of Monika Witt and Bruce Nelson is a real coup for AIRAH’s Refrigeration 2017 Conference,” says AIRAH CEO Tony Gleeson, M.AIRAH. “Their keynote addresses will set the tone for this timely and essential event.”

To be held at Melbourne’s Etihad Stadium, the two-day conference has a wide scope. It will look at the state of the industry, how it may respond to the challenges initiated by COP 21 and the global HFC phase-down, and how this will impact upon educators, legislators, regulators, end users, engineers, consultants and technicians.

A qualified mechanical engineer, since 1998 Witt has been the managing director of industrial refrigeration firm TH.WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik, a family-owned company founded in 1896. Witt also serves on the board of directors of Eurammon, for which she serves as vice-chair.

In her presentation “The role of natural refrigerants in the future – an update from Europe”, Witt will outline the status of refrigerants in Europe, the steps required to meet climate targets, and other aspects to consider for a sustainable future.

“The F-Gas phase-down is under way around the world,” says Witt. “The international industry will have to decide which way to go – natural and/or HFOs?”

Delivering the conference’s second keynote address will be Bruce Nelson, Affil.AIRAH. President of US-based Colmac Coil Manufacturing, Nelson serves on the IIAR board of directors and executive committee. Having authored many technical papers about refrigeration and heat transfer, Nelson also holds several US and international patents.

In his presentation “Politics, refrigeration and the Donald effect”, Nelson will discuss the developments in low-charge ammonia refrigeration systems in light of an uncertain and shifting political environment following the inauguration of Donald Trump.

Within hours of his inauguration as US President, Trump ordered all mention of climate change removed from the White House website.

“The future application of synthetic and natural refrigerants in the USA will be determined by the politics of climate change,” Nelson says. “It will also be driven by safety concerns and regulations. There has been a shift in the political landscape, where there is an expectation that the politics of both climate change and safety regulations will be impacted by the ‘Donald Effect’.”

According to Nelson, low-charge ammonia represents inherently safer technology. He says it can be applied with significantly reduced power consumption, zero direct emissions and ultra-low indirect emissions.

<strong>Refrigeration 2017 Conference</strong> attendees can also look forward to engaging presentations from the likes of Ben Adamson, F.AIRAH (Refrigeration Engineering International); Pat McInerney (Department of the Environment and Energy); Mike Baker, M.AIRAH (AJ Baker & Sons); and many more.


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<a href="http://www.airah.org.au/AIRAH/Navigation/Events2/AIRAHConferences/2017/Refrigeration_2017_Conference/Refrigeration_2017_Conference.aspx">Read more</a>

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