Yannick: Since 1994, EMI has given manufacturers key insights, by independently and expertly collating, analysing, and distributing market data. The very first data collections in ‘94 focused on Chillers and Fan Coil Units. By 1999, EMI had expanded its activity and launched the first quarterly data collections.
Yannick: On the data collection side, in 2000 the Air Handling Units statistics programme was launched. Several years later in 2007, the Rooftop statistics collection was launched, with data going back to 2004. From 2008 onwards, new programmes were added including Cooling Towers, Heat Exchangers, Air Filters and IT Cooling. Today, we have 19 programmes across a wide range of HVACR products.
As an organisation, EMI faced changes too. By 2007, the Eurovent Market Intelligence department was officially created within the Eurovent Certification Company. The website and the online database were developed shortly after in 2008 and 2009, respectively. In 2010, EMI began providing additional information in the collection results, such as total market estimations and forecasts, plus it included the top 5 participants in 2012.
In 2013, following the merger of Eurovent Certification and Certita, Eurovent Market Intelligence separated and moved within the Eurovent Services Company. Consequently, it became an independent entity within the Eurovent family. This independence means that participation in the statistic programmes is open to all manufacturers, certified and non-certified, regardless of any membership of associations or other companies.
Beyza: I think it’s important to highlight our website and database developments. The way we represent data has changed and improved over time, from the simple Excel reports of the past to our innovative, unique online tool, which allows users to dissect and view data tailored to their needs.
Our online database has seen two big improvements. The first with interactive maps and charts in 2017, and the second with the introduction of our collections in flat data from 2020. This alone has multiplied incredibly the number of possible analyses that a participant can undertake through the database.
Beyza: A big development was the introduction of qualitative reports. Unlike other statistics offices, we decided to go the extra mile to explain the statistics and market evolution (to make the analysis easier for them), so we created a qualitative report containing several products and countries. The first one was in 2020, mainly tacking the issues created by COVID-19. The report was a success, and new reports were published in 2021 and 2022 respectively, where we investigated the hot topics of the HVACR sector, and their impact on the market numbers and forecasts. Due to demand a new qualitative report is in the planning for 2024, with a predicted launch in October.
Yannick: Today, the guiding principle of EMI is to establish a detailed map of the European, Middle Eastern and African market, covering over 50 countries. We’ve hit a big milestone ourselves in our 30th year with our statistics collections, surpassing 500 participants for the first time across 19 product groups.
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