The leading OEM manufacture of sustainable cooling and heating systems Advansor is now certified according to ISO 50001 within the scope of designing, producing, and selling CO2 climate solutions. Implementing Energy Management is an essential step for Advansor towards achieving their goal to be carbon-neutral in 2025 and thereby helping their customers to fulfil their climate action goals.
By designing and producing combined cooling and heating systems based on natural refrigerants only and utilising the excess heat from cooling for space heating and hot tap water, Advansor takes a world leading position within this segment.
Advansor has also signed the Climate Pledge and joined the RacetoZero. CEO Kristian Breitenbauch “The UN Sustainable Development Goals are our guiding stars. Using only the natural refrigerant CO2, we protect our groundwater and fight climate change. At the same time, our climate systems are very energy-efficient reducing energy consumption.’ And he continues, ‘sustainability is part of our DNA and every-day life. For instance, we use hydrogen soldering only and electric trucks in our production, and we made living easy for those driving electric or hybrid cars with chargers in 20% of our parking spaces. However, several things we don’t even notice on daily basis. Such as CO2 neutral heating, bee friendly planting and cradle-to-cradle certified carpets. It feels the same but makes a world of difference.”