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Arneg Hosts The Marconi College Of Padua

In 2017 Arneg joined the Traineeship pilot project signed by Italian institutions MIUR and Confindustria. As part of this project, Arneg and the "G. Marconi" Technical and Technological Collegehave been paired with the students of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Classes for the realization of a working experimental programme. Students in the three classes will have guided tours of the company, training days and an internship. Tuesday 13 March, the students of III^F (Energy Specialisation) and III^D (Mechanical and Mechatronics Specialisation) classes, accompanied by professors Sandra Melina and Francesco Rossi, have started this series of activities. Matteo Preto, Head of Production for Arneg Italia, warms up the climate at the beginning of this day, explaining in a simple and clear way all the production phases, from goods reception to logistics, assembly, painting and risk reduction methods. After a few questions involving the boys, a clear explanation of Arneg's business, the map of Arneg offices around the world and a description of company certifications, finally comes the most awaited moment for the students: the visit to the factory. An educational walk that accompanies them through the machines, the warehouses and various departments. Later, a tour of the Show Room showed them how products look in a store. The curious questions and glances indicate that the passion infused by Matteo Preto has been perceived. [gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="11244,11245,11246,11247"]
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