EPEE is organizing another edition of its F-gas Industry Roundtable on Monday 14 October 2019 from 15:00 to 18:30. A networking cocktail reception will follow the roundtable from 18.30.
The event will build on the last F-Gas Industry Roundtables we have organised and will bring together stakeholders to discuss progress in implementing the F-gas Regulation. Speakers will include the European Commission (DG CLIMA) and Ray Gluckman (Gluckman Consulting), who will present the updated EPEE HFC Outlook model.
The F-gas Industry Roundtable is becoming a series of regular events where industry stakeholders can provide updates on progress and agree on joint communications activities.
Should you wish to attend the Roundtable, please confirm your participation by Wednesday 9 October end of play to secretariat@epeeglobal.org.