The EUREKA 2019 conference will take place on 11 & 12 June in Bruges, Belgium, in the premises of the renowned College of Europe.
It takes place for the third time and is organised by EPEE and EVIA, two leading European associations representing the heating, cooling and ventilation industries (HVACR) in Europe. EUREKA was launched in 2016 and has grown into a unique platform to reflect and exchange on the future of our sector which is essential for health and well-being in our society.
There will be an amazing line-up of confirmed speakers promising to make this year’s conference once again a trendsetting and thought-provoking event with the sustainable development goals at the heart of discussions.
EUREKA is an opportunity for excellent networking, think outside the box and lay the groundwork for the future of heating, cooling and ventilation – one of the most energy consuming sectors in Europe but also one with a high potential to help enabling the EU’s energy transition towards a carbon neutral Europe.
Register to EUREKA 2019 by clicking here or by visiting the website where you can also find more details about EUREKA 2016, EUREKA 2017 and our EUREKA Roadshow events.