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Eurovent to conduct Energy Efficiency Seminar during Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia

Date: 08 September 2018
As one of the world’s largest industry associations for Indoor Climate, Process Cooling and Food Cold Chain Technologies, Eurovent is set to support emerging markets with educational programmes by sharing knowledge on energy efficient technologies. A Seminar on Energy Efficiency will be held during the 2018 Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia in Jakarta. Embedded in Indonesia’s leading industry exhibition Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia, taking place from 26 to 28 September 2018 at Jakarta’s main exhibition venue JIExpo Kemayoran, the specialised seminar conducted by Eurovent will focus on energy efficient solutions in various applications on the second day of the exhibition, 27 September. Markus Lattner, Director of Eurovent Middle East and coordinator of the event said “Indonesia is the world’s 4th most populated country. The economic indicators show a significant growth of its middle class over the past decades. However, the positive development takes its toll on energy consumption and results in a growing demand for cooling and refrigeration applications. No country in such a position can nowadays ignore the requirement to increase the efficiency across its electrical infrastructure. Indonesia certainly acknowledges that this is yet a weak point and that more efforts have to be made.Eurovent strongly believes that as an industry, it is our responsibility to assist countries in such position with our experience and knowledge. In the seminar, three members of Eurovent, who are active within the region, will elaborate on different aspects related to saving energy, highlighting practical solutions which are ready to use
  • Session 1: How latest EC Fan Technology improves air-side Efficiency in Buildings Speaker: Mr Torang Panjaitan (Country Manager, ebm-papst Indonesia
  • Session 2: Using Air Curtains to reduce energy waste in cooled environments Speaker: Mr Jonas Elmnäs (Export Manager, Frico AB
  • Session 3: New level of heat exchangers Speaker: Mr David Widjanarko Poerwosunu (Director, Güntner Indonesia
Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia has been selected as cooperation partner due to the fair’s leading position in the Indonesian market. It has developed from and takes place parallel to the International Indonesian Seafood and Meat exhibition, which attracts a strong attendance from the cold chain industry and enjoys the support of the Indonesian government. Eurovent members receive preferential rates for exhibiting. The fair is organised annually and is recommended to manufacturers who are interested to enter the local market.
Find out more on our website about: HVAC, refrigeration, cold chain, ebm-papst

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