The partnership emphasizes a shift toward natural refrigerants and energy efficiency. Bundgaard Køleteknik, which joined Kølegruppen in 2015, specializes in propane installations and water cooling, strengthening the group’s expertise in environmentally friendly solutions.
Kølegruppen CEO Kent Hannibal, the company’s primary owner, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration:
“We think in terms of the future. We’re driven and have built a capacity for development that we hope to share with others in Nordic Climate Group. We’re also close to our customers, thanks to our service model and three locations. Both Henrik Olsen and I look forward to being part of Nordic Climate Group – an impressive group that’s quickly risen to become a leader. That’s something we also strive for. It’s going to be exciting to be part of Nordic Climate Group´s growth journey.”
Both Kent Hannibal and Henrik Olsen, CEO of Bundgaard Køleteknik, will retain their current leadership roles, ensuring continuity in customer service and ongoing projects.
Founded in 2008 with roots dating back to 1973, Kølegruppen brings decades of expertise to Nordic Climate Group. This expansion aligns with the group’s mission to minimize climate impact and maximize energy efficiency through a decentralized model of entrepreneurial operations, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.
Nordic Climate Group continues to focus on its goal of becoming a leading refrigeration company in Northern Europe through organic growth and strategic acquisitions.