Women Technicians in India's RAC Sector: Challenges and Progress

Date: 02 November 2024
Women Technicians in India's RAC Sector: Challenges and Progress
Role models in the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) service sector can inspire women and foster a more inclusive environment. The HPMP II program trained 17,000 RAC technicians across India, offering insights into the experiences of women in the sector.

The HCFC Phase Out Management Plan (HPMP) aims to enhance leak prevention and refrigerant gas management in the RAC service sector. An assessment by the International Institute of Refrigeration showed that less than 10% of women are members of national refrigeration associations. While the U.S. refrigeration sector reported that women made up only 1.2% of technicians in 2017, India's statistics remain unknown. However, the HPMP II assessment revealed important insights.

Women in the service sector, especially in male-dominated fields like RAC, face challenges such as societal stereotypes, limited access to training, lack of mentorship, work hour restrictions, and safety concerns. 

HPMP training indirectly helped these women update their skills, join technician networks, and secure jobs with manufacturers who prefer women technicians, thus improving their livelihoods. The GIZ Proklima program plans to leverage these insights to shape future HPMP III training initiatives, with a focus on inviting and training more women technicians in the field.

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