Women in the HVAC Industry – Insights from the FAIAR Report

Date: 13 September 2024
Women in the HVAC Industry – Insights from the FAIAR Report

The Federation of Ibero-American Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Associations (FAIAR) has released a comprehensive study on the participation of women in the HVAC industry. The report highlights key data on demographics, education, challenges, and achievements of women in the sector across both Europe and America.

Key Findings:

  • Age Distribution: Most women in the HVAC industry are between 31 and 50 years old. The report shows a significant difference between continents, with nearly half of women in America not having children, whereas in Europe, most women have up to two children.

  • Educational Level: Women in Europe have greater access to higher education, with a higher number of postgraduate degrees compared to America, where the majority hold bachelor's degrees.

  • Subsectors: Women are actively working in various subsectors of the HVAC industry, including design, education, journalism, and health, with 15.1% of women belonging to these categories.

  • Career Alignment: 67% of women feel their professional profiles match the work they currently do. However, 33% feel their skills are not fully utilized, with 26% believing they are qualified for higher positions, while 7% acknowledge the need for further training.

  • Challenges: Women in America cite long travel distances as their biggest challenge, while in Europe, balancing personal and professional life is the main issue. Both regions report facing stereotypes, lack of training opportunities, and limited career advancement.

  • Achievements: Despite these challenges, women in HVAC take pride in earning respect and trust from colleagues, generating profits for their companies, and providing opportunities for career development.

This report emphasizes the importance of addressing the barriers women face in the HVAC industry and highlights the achievements of those striving to make a mark in this traditionally male-dominated field.

A PDF version is available here: FAIAR-Women infographics

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