Trane, one of the world's leading providers of interior comfort solutions and services, and an Ingersoll Rand brand, is now offering a solution to the owners of commercial buildings in Europe, enabling them to achieve their Introduction of XStream eXcellent water-cooled chillers. This new model offers customers a combination of extreme performance and high reliability with low environmental impact.
The new eXcellent model is part of Ingersoll Rand's EcoWise product line designed to reduce environmental impact with new generation, low global warming (GWP) and high performance operating refrigerant fluids. The model is available with the latest generation of Honeywell Solstice® ze refrigerant (the R-1234ze, which has a PRG warming potential of less than one when used in this design).
With a range of capacities ranging from 290 kW to 2600 kW, the XStream eXcellent is designed to meet the needs of critical indoor environments such as data centers, hospitals, large office buildings or industrial process applications. The new model offers optimum performance with minimal refrigerant charge and no compromise on reliability with the following features:
High-performance heat exchangers
A patented CHIL Trane evaporator
High-speed centrifugal compressors with oil-free magnetic bearings
Two fully separate refrigeration circuits
Trane Adaptive Control with advanced patented algorithms and multiple diagnostic capabilities
Trane expands its XStream water-cooled chiller range with a high-efficiency, low-impact model - 2

The introduction of Trane's XStream eXcellent line contributes to Ingersoll Rand's commitment to significantly increase energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of its products and operations by 2020. The new Solution exceeds the requirements of the Fluorinated Gas Act and helps customers reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs. This is achieved by combining extreme yields with a European energy efficiency (ESEER) of 9.3 and an energy efficiency (EER) of 6.2 and the use of the Honeywell Solstice ze refrigerant (R -1234ze).
About our Climate Commitment
To create a sustainable future, Ingersoll Rand announced its climate commitment in September 2014 - a roadmap to significantly increase energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of our infrastructure and product mix By 2030 (with milestones in 2020).
Our commitment to climate aims to:
Reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of our products by 50%, linked to refrigerants by 2020, and include alternatives with lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) in our entire product range, Here 2030.
Invest $ 500 million in product-related research and development by 2020 to reduce long-term GHG emissions; and Reduce our GHG footprint by 35 per cent by 2020.
To date, our commitment to climate has prevented the emission of about 2 million metric tons of CO2e worldwide, which is equivalent to avoiding annual emissions of CO₂ related to the energy consumed by More than 270,000 households, or the burning of more than 2.1 billion pounds of coal. By 2030, the company expects to reduce its carbon footprint by 50 million metric tonnes. For more information on Ingersoll Rand's commitment to climate, please visit our website.
Other Trane products in the EcoWise range include the Series E CenTraVac chillers for Europe and the Middle East and Series R RTWD chillers, CenTraVac coolers and water-cooled chillers Sinthesis for North America. EcoWise products meet the following criteria:
Available with the latest generation of low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants,
Maintain safety and energy efficiency through innovative design.
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