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Policy Makers Gain Hands-On Experience in Climate-Friendly Refrigeration in Germany

Date: 08 August 2024
Policy Makers Gain Hands-On Experience in Climate-Friendly Refrigeration in Germany
Policy Makers Gain Hands-On Experience in Climate-Friendly Refrigeration in Germany
Policy Makers Gain Hands-On Experience in Climate-Friendly Refrigeration in Germany
A group of policy makers immersed themselves in a week-long training in Germany to enhance their knowledge in the climate and ozone-friendly refrigeration sector. Organized by Proklima in June, this Cool Training aimed to equip participants with the technical know-how essential for informed political decisions.

The refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector contributes up to 10% of global emissions, underscoring its significance in climate and ozone protection initiatives. Throughout the week, the participants engaged in a blend of practical and theoretical sessions to deepen their understanding of natural refrigerants. The GIZ provided additional political context to complement the technical training.

Practical exercises, such as detecting leakages and brazing, were highlights for many attendees. Theoretical lectures detailed the functionality and application of various natural refrigerants. An excursion to Wilhelm Brandenburg in Frankfurt allowed participants to observe real-world applications of their classroom learnings.

The training session, held at the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) in Maintal near Frankfurt, included participants from 16 countries spanning South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, and Asia. These participants serve as National Ozone Unit Officers (NOU) or climate focal points within their respective governmental bodies.

Various projects financed the training, with contributions from the Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation (BMZ), the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV), and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK) of Germany under the International Climate Initiative. Additional support came from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the United Nations Environment Programme OzonAction.

Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, air conditioning

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