ATMOsphere America 2018


The 7th Annual ATMOsphere America will be returning to California once more to shape the future of the industry. ATMOsphere America 2018 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach, CA on June 12-14 where 450+ experts, policy makers and end users will gather to learn about the very latest developments in the industry. The event are returning to California at a time when environmental policy at federal level remains uncertain: this makes California's place as the leader in progressive policy more important than ever before.

The conference highlights include:

  • The latest news on California and federal policy trends
  • Updates on incentive programs to accelerate natural refrigerant adoption
  • Presentation of the "Ammonia21.com World Guide to Low Charge Ammonia"
  • Insight into the growing trend for CO2 transcritical in larger applications
  • Latest news on the revision of hydrocarbon charge limits
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