For the producers and consumers of refrigeration equipment there will be changes: Russia is preparing for gradual phasing out the use of freon. By 2036 many companies will have to start using alternative refrigerants.
The “INGENIUM” company has been specializing in designing, manufacturing and installing the refrigeration systems for 13 years and nowadays offers an efficient solution which is a CO2 refrigerant. The use of CO2 refrigerant complies with the most progressive standards and moreover allows significant savings of energy consumption.
The “INGENIUM” company has already implemented a number of projects for fish industry on CO2 refrigerant. The company will present its refrigeration units on the exhibition Seafood Expo Russia in Saint Petersburg.
Nowadays freons are used as refrigerants globally. Freons are hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) – potent greenhouse gases. The Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was ratified in 2016. More than 100 countries have already ratified the amendment: the participants of this international agreement committed to reduce consumption and production of HFC to combat climate change.
In Russia the Kigali amendment entered into force in 2021. Our country committed itself to reduce consumption of HFC: since 2020 – by 5%, since 2025 – by 35%, since 2029 – by 70%, since 2034 – by 80%, since 2036 –by 85%. These terms apply as well to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
To guarantee the fulfillment of the commitments, made by the Russian Federation according to the Kigali amendment, the federal Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, the Federal supervisory natural resources management service (Rosprirodnadzor) and the Ministry of Trade and Industrial Promotion plan to control the national emission reduction of HFCs by means of establishing a licensing and reporting system.
It means that our country will phase out HFCs and the consumers will have to switch to alternative refrigerants, including those of natural origin.
Such changes will undoubtedly affect fish sector. Fish and seafood are perishable goods which should be properly frozen and chilled and stored at temperature-controlled facilities.
The “INGENIUM” company is professionally engaged in projects for business and industrial cold since 2007 and offers solutions for fish industry.
The “INGENIUM” company is actively promoting natural CO2 refrigerant (R744) on the market and has a leading position for number and scale of implemented CO2 projects. CO2 allows high energy performance: savings up to 30% for electricity in comparison with HFC refrigerants. The “INGENIUM” company was one of the pioneers in Russia who started exploiting the CO2 technologies and has implemented 23 major projects in manufacturing, logistics and retailing in the past few years.
The “INGENIUM” company provided the food warehouse “Kholodilnik 6000T” in the city Artyom (Pimorsky territory) with a set of refrigeration equipment. The contractor of the project is “Roskholod-DV.” Among other things fish products will also be stored at the facility.
Two trans critical systems are used for cooling the chamber with the total area of 5000 square meters. One of the booster units has multi-temperature operation: low-temperature mode for the chamber can be changed for medium-temperature mode and back again.
The cooling capacity for these systems is:
for low-temperature chambers - 370 kW
for medium-temperature chambers - 140 кW
for high-temperature chambers -180 kW.
Currently the “INGENIUM” company is equipping the storage complex of the fish-processing plant with the refrigeration system based only on CO2. The plant is located in central Russia, it is an ambitious project: the size of the refrigerated room is over 25000square meters, four similar trans critical booster units with the total cooling capacity of 2400 kW.
The cold will be used in low-temperature chambers for fish storage (-25°С) and also for cooling the facilities for receiving and shipping the fish products(0°С). The distinctive feature of this storehouse is its complete automation.
The “INGENIUM” company designs engineering systems, produces and installs industrial refrigeration equipment. Presently the production premises occupy the territory over 7000 square meters.
The list of standard products of the company includes single- and multi-compressor refrigeration units, liquid cooling units (chillers), receiver and pumping stations, trans- critical refrigeration stations R744 (СО2), thermal energy recovery systems, containerized block-module refrigeration machines, technological equipment control panels.
All equipment units are subjected to plant tests, extended warranty is possible. The own control center provides 24-hour online monitoring of the refrigeration systems on-site. Authorized service centers of the company operate in the regions of Russia.
“INGENIUM” LLC. not only equips the facilities with energy-efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly systems but also provides the full CO2 refrigeration units training course. The classes are offered in the own training center with all necessary demonstration equipment. Anyone is welcome to improve the skills or get a consulting support.
Innovative cold in the Northern capital
The “INGENIUM” company will present its products and services on the Exhibition of fishing industry, seafood and technologies Seafood Expo Russia. The main event for the Russian fishing industry will take place in Saint Petersburg on the 8-10 th of September.
The stand of the company № 40 will be located in the hall ‘G”. At the stand one can get detailed information and consultation on refrigeration systems based on natural refrigerants.
Head office:
+7 (800) 511-12-72
Rostov-on-Don, Ingenernaya St., 16
Office in Moscow:
+7 (800) 511 12 72
Moscow, Dmitrovskoye highway, 71Б