Taking it Easy While Staying in Control
CSNet Manager controls up to 1,280 interior devices conveniently from a PC or a smartphone.
A long-term reliable solution is needed to maintain control over all devices in a network, particularly with large-scale projects where several hundred interior devices are involved. With Hitachi's centralized CSNet Manager, an HLINK interface connec-tion enables up to 1,280 interior devices to be controlled from a touchscreen. HLINK is linked to the display via the intranet. Especially for hotel project, this provides a clear and readily accessible perspective.
Access Information with Ease
Hitachi CSNet Manager offers a plug-and-play interface that is fine-tuned for all Hitachi devices. The software is available in ten languages. Even the remote control can be digitally accessed and con-figured accordingly. A layout plan of the building helps to identify the devices in individual rooms, with each device individually controllable. CSNet Manager can be accessed and read from an ordi-nary PC and also from a smartphone. If CSNet Manager is connected to the internet, it can be con-trolled from anywhere in the world. Error analyses are also possible.
During cooling, the interior unit can also automatically be switched to fan mode, preventing exces-sively cold air from being supplied during this cycle. It is also possible to configure precisely how each unit reacts to the cooling. The same of course applies to heating. Depending on the conditions in the room, CSNet Manager is capable of automatically deciding whether the devices switch to cooling or heating mode, and does so on the basis of the control range that has been previously configured in detail. The integrated weather forecast service enables the user to adjust the system to the prevailing weather conditions on a given day. The programs can be linked to an ongoing calendar that permanently stores the operational and temperature modes for interior devices, enabling comfort and cost to be specifically monitored. The system can be combined with the Fidelio hotel management system. The check-in/check-out signal from Fidelio also notifies CSNet Manager, which in turn adjusts the room temperature directly ac-cordingly. A standard ModBus interface adds a final touch to the versatile nature of this solution.
CSNet Manager can controlled not only the interior devices but also the Hitachi SetFree exterior devices, enabling it to reduce noise and influence energy consumption. This can be set by timer or manually. It is also possible to have an email or daily summary sent to a previously defined address when an alarm is triggered. The various history log files are accessible at any time, enabling precise analysis of the installations. This enables improper settings to be more easily identified and potential for energy savings to be better recognized in the long term. Whether as a chart or plotted curve, all data can be imported into Excel, where it can be analyzed in detail. Alarm logs can be stored for several months up to a year. The latest updates are always available for download over the internet once registration is complete.
No Need to Worry About Combining with Third-Party Devices
With its DX Kit, Hitachi offers a simple method of integrating ventilation systems from third-party suppliers into planned air conditioning systems.
According to a BSRIA study, 53,500 ventilation units were sold and installed in 2015 for around 470 million euros. At over 30%, Germany holds the largest market share in imports and exports. Accordingly, ventilation in industrial and retail applications remains a key sales market. With its DX Kit, Hitachi enables third-party heat ex-changers to be coupled with Hitachi exterior devices, providing an alternative to devices with traditional energy sources such as water chillers. These mainly include ventilation devices, air curtains and channeling devices with high air volumes. The external heat exchanger and – if desired – other components such as the fan motor or external sensors can be con-trolled using the Hitachi Inverter Control Module in order to handle tasks from a controller higher up in the hierarchy.
Making Use of Benefits
The DX Kit is suitable for small and medium-sized ventilation systems. The user has three control modes at their disposal. The air inlet temperature, which keeps the indoor temperature within the configured temperature. The power requirement is calculated precisely on the basis of the differ-ence in temperature between the room air and the configured temperature. The air inlet tempera-ture control can be achieved using any Hitachi SystemFree exterior device (VRF SetFree/PAC Utopia), as the control system is similar to a standard interior device. The air discharge temperature on the other hand enables a constant supply air temperature. Here, the power requirement is calculated on the basis of the difference in temperature between the air discharge at the heat exchanger and the configured temperature. This controller can be fitted to ventilation devices or air curtains. For cooling purposes, target temperatures from 14°C can be set, providing the installation specialist with a much greater range of applications compared to the pre-decessor model. The external triggering mechanism is controlled on the basis of an external signal that is provided by an external controller. This mode is normally requested by room air conditioning systems. These two controllers required precise coordination with the PAC/VRF exterior unit and the installation. Accordingly, it is advisable in this case to combine the installation directly with the corresponding new Hitachi Utopia X PAC device unit, which is specified specially for the new room air conditioning application. Systems with the classic Hitachi Utopia IVX or SetFree systems are of course also pos-sible. Singularly combining the DX Kit with the new Utopia X ensures that the control circuit between the external signal and the compressor frequency is coordinated with speed and precision.
Smart Control
The inlet control requires around three minutes for any change. The new discharge controller and external controller can change the frequency once a minute with the new exterior device, enabling the device to switch from minimum to maximum performance in less than 10 minutes. The external modulation signal can be configured for linear level control or as an adaptable and unique means of power control. The linear level control enables the required power to be ap-proached in 10 individual steps. All changes are requested externally in stages. The signal dictates how quickly the compressor frequency (Hz) needs to be raised or lowered, which automatically af-fects the power. The power control on the other hand enables the signal to be used to additionally influence how fast the power is increased or decreased, or to maintain the current compressor frequency. This enables the changing needs of the room air conditioning system to be better conveyed to the power control of the Utopia system. A modular solution is also possible with the DX Kit. Here, up to five DX Kits can be connected to supply a large external ventilation device. The device network must consists of single devices of identical size in order to preserve the even temperature distribution. However, this is only possible with the new Utopia X. Here, one unit must be set as the master unit, while the others are connect-ed as slaves. The air sensors are only connected to the master device. A remote control is also needed for the master device. All of the other devices are linked via the FB Link. The defrost mode of multi-DX installations is programmed to prevent parallel operation, which in turn would cause increased power loss during the heating phase. During the defrost phase, the comfort of the selected room temperature is largely maintained, because Hitachi offers the option of linking the new Utopia X range VRF devices together through the controller, enabling up to five ex- terior devices to alternately activate during the defrost phases, thereby preventing the heating ca-pacity from failing entirely.
Living Smart
The Hi-Kumo app from Hitachi enables air conditioning systems and heating systems to be conveniently controlled from the comfort of a mo-bile device
Around 70% of energy costs in an average household are attributable to heating. 15% of the energy is used for hot water, 11% for light and other household devices, while 6% is spent on cooking. As heating costs continue to rise, more and more consumers are looking for way to control these and keep a tight rein on them in the future, which is why many people now rely on Smart Home systems that enable them to adapt their entire houses to their needs. Yutaki heating and air conditioning systems from Hitachi can be integrated into the overall “Living” concept with the new Hi-Kumo wi-fi solution. The most important require-ments can be customized with maximum convenience while generating energy savings and controlled directly using the app.
Air Conditioning & Heat Through a Single System
“If you wish to have direct control over your air conditioning and heating systems, the Hi-Kumo Smart Home solution provides you with convenience, control, and cost savings by wi-fi – easily and everywhere”, said Markus Schmitz, Area Sales Manager Heating of Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe SAS's Düsseldorf branch office. “Whether by smartphone or tablet, the app provides the user with control over energy consumption and, consequently, over costs.” The app is available for both Android and iOS, and the registration process is as easy as five short steps. With just another five easy questions such as “are you sensitive to the cold?” or “are you usually at home on the weekend?”, the Hi-Kumo Wizard generates a rough configuration matrix that is tailored to the user, who can in turn refine it even further to their wishes as needed. For instance, the timer can be adjusted to exactly the value that the user needs for their comfort, thereby provid-ing the desired temperature. The timer settings are clearly structured with specific information. The “smart tip” enables all devices controlled using Hi-Kumo to be switched automatically to ECO mode when activated. The app is available in five different languages. The Hi-Kumo app enables the user to conveniently and remotely control the air conditioning devices and/or the Hitachi Yutaki air/water heat pump using an intuitive and customizable user interface.
Absolute Ease of Use for a Smart Home
All of the compatible devices from Hitachi (air conditioning system, heating system, hot water sys-tem) can be linked with the app quickly and easily, enabling a weekly plan to be created in a snap to minimize energy consumption. The status of the devices can be determined at a glance. By activat-ing “vacation mode”, the user can ensure that the rooms will be at a comfortable temperature when they return. To enable them to function with this app, it is necessary for each interior device to be linked to an interface developed exclusively for Hitachi. For heating devices, the Hi-Box is needed to serve as an interface. The interface for the operation of Hitachi air conditioning devices can be positioned invisi-bly inside the interior unit.
Into a new age of refrigerants with R32
Hitachi will place the first R32 air conditioning units on the European market in 2017
It won’t be long now, then the refrigerant R410A in the refrigerant lines of air conditioning units in homes and businesses of today will be history. Introduced at the time to prevent further damage to the ozone layer, it must now give way, in the context of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 2,090, to the more environmentally friendly R32 with a GWP of only 675. In the course of this development Hitachi placed its first series R32-RAC on the market in Japan in 2013. The complete range of RAC products in Japan should be converted to R32 by 2017. In Europe the first RAC series with R32 will be offered as an entry-level model at the beginning of 2017.
Hitachi milestones
Hitachi, one of the first manufacturers of air conditioning systems, has been engaged in the rede-velopment of efficient air conditioning units for more than 60 years. The company, with its many milestones, is regarded as a pioneer in the history of air conditioning. “A new refrigerant age is be-ginning and we recognize the advent of a new era in refrigerants”, announced Pierre-René Milz, Regional Sales Manager of Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe SAS Branch office Düsseldorf. “There will be an upheaval, however our company philosophy is in keeping with these changes and we are driven to develop new products.” The new RAC series with R32 will set itself apart from the current Performance series with a new, elegant design. “With the introduction of the new R32-RAC series, we will continue the attractive price-performance ratio in this segment,” adds Markus Schmitz, Area Sales Manager Heating of Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe SAS Branch office Düsseldorf. “This new refrigerant enables us to increase efficiency by a whole level, to simultaneously reduce the GWP and therefore to act in a much more environmentally friendly manner. With this interesting combination of design, price-performance, efficiency and environmental awareness, we hope we can inspire end customers with our innovative air conditioning offers.”
R32 is streets ahead where refrigerants are concerned
Unlike R410A, R32 is a mixture of R125 and R32, significant advantages which do not affect the environment. Currently it is the only refrigerant which has almost the same temperature and pres-sure range as R410A. Furthermore, it is about 10 percent more efficient that R410A, resulting in a higher COP and EER. The pipeline cross-section, the compressor power and the filling capacity can be reduced by up to 30 percent in comparison with R410A. Of course, we still have the natural refrigerants, such as ammonia, propane and CO2, which have significantly lower GWPs. At the same time, however, they have striking disadvantages: They are either toxic, highly flammable or are simply far less efficient than R32. It is therefore already clear that the refrigerant R32 will be the refrigerant of the future.
Size Isn't Everything
The Hitachi RCD 2-Way Cassette Provide Both Compact Size and Broad Performance Potential to Deliver Perfect Air Conditioning
The new RCD 2-way cassettes from Hitachi's SystemFree series of interior devices stand out with the many new details added to the design. It runs extremely quietly and, thanks to its new grille, the height of the construction looks extremely low. The use of a super-high-stream turbo fan (powerful. three-dimensionally curved blades) has im-proved the fan effectiveness by 20% and reduced the noise output to 30 dB(A).
A Great Thing in a Small Package
The compact turbo fan simplifies the structure and reduces the height of the device to 298 mm. This low-height construction enables easy installation in ceiling cavities, even in the smallest spaces. This device offers a practically seamless transition to the actual ceiling, protruding by just 30 mm and offering space for tailored cover paneling, because the device adapts perfectly to any ceiling. From 2HP (5,6 kW) the RCD is much smaller than comparable similar devices from competitors. The ability to optionally increase the fan speed enables the model to be adapted to ceilings of up to 3.5 m. This function guarantees convenient air conditions in public buildings and exhibition spaces. The customizable blade control that makes use of the Coanda effect can be adjusted to one of four ventilation levels. Viewed in respect of the market as a whole, it is noticeable that Hitachi offers an enormous range of performance levels with eleven device units. Ranging from the new 2.2 kW device to 4.0 kW and 5.6 kW units, both of which can be reduced to 3.6 kW and 4.5 kW respectively, the RCD can achieve what is also a new maximum potential performance of 16.0 kW. The device also has a long-lasting antibacterial filter in the condensation pan. This filter can be ac-tive for up to 10,000 hours, which is equivalent to around three years. It is also possible to install an optional motion sensor which also provides additional control for the device and adjusts the air con-ditioning as needed. The high-efficiency heat exchange, a new DC fan motor, a DC condensation pump and a novel diffuser for more efficiency offer additional benefits. The design has also been overhauled and adapted to the Hitachi RCI-FSN3. The extraction grating consists of a steel grille with a high-grade coating.
Creativity in Installation
Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe Makes Use of 4-Way RCIM Mini-Cassettes
Sometimes it's good to have a little more space to let your creativity flourish, something which becomes particularly apparent in planning. The RCIM mini 4-way cassette device developed by Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe SAS was specially designed for installation in Euroraster ceilings. It provides planners, architects and installation spe-cialists with much greater flexibility. This model takes into account high performance in a small space, size, noise and extensive accessories, as well as the specific needs of the cus-tomer, offering office space air conditioning that really considers every need.
One for All
The RCIM is also part of Hitachi's “SystemFree” range, which enables interior devices, along-side the Utopia for commercial projects and the SetFree VRF system for large-scale products, to make use of two quite different exterior devices, enabling them to be linked together with op-timum performance. “With our RCIM cassette device, we offer our customers a comprehensive care-free package when combined with our Utopia and SetFree exterior series. All of our engineering expertise is brought to bear in this device. Right now, there's nothing better than this device on the market”, said Regional Sales Manager Pierre-René Milz, expressing his conviction. The RCIM mini 4-way cassette offers many benefits. As currently the only manufacturer, it achieves performance of up to 2.5 HP (7.1 kW rated cooling performance when combined with a Hitachi SystemFree exterior device) with a grille size of 30 x 620 x 620 mm (dimensions of interior unit 285 x 570 x 570 mm). The smaller grille fits much better into a Euroraster-standard ceiling. Alongside the visual appeal, it is also possible to install the interior device and other ceiling installations such as lamps directly adjacently to one another without them obstructing each other in the planning. The newly developed turbo fan has enabled the noise level to be significantly reduced compared to the predecessor model, with the lowest fan level generating nothing more than a whisper at 24 dB(A). The fins are individually adjustable and make use of the Coanda effect to control the air flow and prevent unpleasant cold drafts from being generated in the first place. A diverse range of accessories also offers considerable flexibility in plan-ning. The optional motion sensor detects movements in the space, adapting the device's per-formance automatically on this basis, or even switching off the device autonomously if no fur-ther movements are registered in the room, enabling operating costs to be reduced with no fur-ther intervention. “This allows the planner or installation specialist to offer more alternatives, enabling them to better cater to the needs and wishes of their clients”, explained Pierre-René Milz. The condensation pan with its silver ion coating provides an antibacterial effect. This filter is effective for up to 10,000 hours, which is approximately five years.
An Unbeatable Team with Hitachi's SystemFree Exterior Unit
Combined with Hitachi's efficient SystemFree exterior devices, the 4-way cassette devices achieve peak ESEER values of up to 8.6. This performance is due to the use of newly developed compres-sors and an optimized cooling circuit, which has a lasting impact on energy consumption. “The deci-sion to add air conditioning to office spaces is frequently associated with questions about required investments and running costs. Our cassette devices have provided us with a confidently market-leading position and enable us to provide satisfactory answers to these questions”, assured Pierre- René Milz.
Good News for Those that Like Their Showers Warm
Hitachi Combines Air Conditioning Systems with Water Module for Tap Water Heating
In future, installation specialists for cooling and air conditioning systems will be able to integrate the hot water supply into their projects easily and efficiently. The SetFree Water Module uses heat recovered from the interior devices to heat tap water without the need for additional energy, meaning that unused is no longer wasted, but rather put to good, environmentally friendly use. It is part of an initiative by Hitachi to make better use of energy than before.
Air Conditioning & Hot Water Through a Single System
The interior Water Module unit can be connected to Hitachi SetFree Systems (VRF) if an air conditioning system is to be connected at the same time. It collects the waste heat from the interior devices and feeds it into the tap water tank. Hitachi has applied its many years of exper-tise in heat pumps here from its Yutaki product line, combining it with the traditional VRF unit. The SetFree Water Module is available in two line-ups in the form of low and high temperature modules. The low-temperature module is available in seven different power classes, from 4.5 to 24.0 kW. Cooling is possible with this version. The discharged water with the low-temperature Water Module can be between 5°C and 20°C when cooled and between 25°C and 45°C when heated. The high-temperature Water Module is available in three power classes (10.0 to 14.0 kW), achieving temperatures of 25°C to 75°C when heating discharged water. The one-of-a-kind Smart Cascade, which is already used in the Yutaki S80 heat pump, is also integrated here. Typical applications include hotels, fitness studios, spa resorts, restaurants, and offices. It is also useful in industrial applications, where extra showers are to be installed for personnel. The trick lies in the clever use of waste heat, which essentially remains unused. “The SetFree Water Module helps to channel valuable unused energy and make effective use of it elsewhere”, explained Markus Schmitz, Area Sales Manager Heating at Hitachi Air Condi-tioning Europe SAS's Düsseldorf branch office. “You can't get much more efficient than that.” It also helps to save costs in the installation, because it reduces the need to install hot water sys-tems during planning.
Hitachi Turns Up the Heat
Hitachi Offers Considerable Project Diversity with the Standardized Range of Heat Pumps
For over 20 years, one of the fields in which Hitachi has done pioneer-ing work is in the heating market. The breakthrough came in 2006 with its in-house-developed heat pump. In the decade that has passed since, Hitachi has also seen success in offering its heat pumps to the private sector for heating with the Yutaki. The Split and Mon-obloc models were fully overhauled at the start of the year and combined to form a single range to visible effect. The output control was significantly expanded, the design was stand-ardized and a dedicated logo was introduced to provide recognition value on the market. With market-leading efficiency values compared to the competition, Eurovent certification, a large selection of different heating systems, the ability to combine the product with solar facilities and its compatibility with Smart Home systems, fitters have good reasons to offer the Yutaki air/water heat pump to prospective customers. All Yutaki heat pumps are compli-ant with the second stage of the ERP directive, which will be entering into force from the end of 2017.
Many Smart Benefits for Forward-Looking Heating
Yutaki heat pumps operate reliably at temperatures as low as -25°C, and the standard model is con-trolled using the same regulation and remote control systems. The interactive start menu means that the new heating system can be set up and ready for use in under five minutes. All of the devic-es are also compatible with Smart Home systems, be it through the major Tahoma Smart Home solution from Somfy, which offers Hitachi heating systems in its portfolio, or the convenient Hi-Kumo app solution, which Hitachi has specially developed to control air conditioning and heating systems using a smartphone or tablet where needed. Among the key distinguishing features of the Yutaki S are its small interior devices, available in three different sizes, some of which can be comfortably accommodated by a kitchen cupboard. The Yutaki S80 is mainly aimed at heating systems in old buildings, because it can achieve temperatures of up to 80°C. Its Smart Cascade system is current-ly one-of-a-kind on the market. The Yutaki SCombi stands out with its flexibility. It can be installed either out of sight or fitted with a 200l or 260l tap water tank. If an end customer not only wishes to heat but also cool, a cooling kit is offered as an optional extra with all Split heat pumps. With a new filter system that makes discharging all of the water from the heating unnecessary, a large range of various room thermostats, a Smart Grid focus, and the ability to integrate a second temperature kit, new exterior devices and further improvements, Hitachi ex-pects to achieve a long-term position among the competition.