Annual Conference 2016 "Emissions, Energy and Eco Design"


18th February 2016, Hall 9, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham

On 18th February the Institute of Refrigeration annual conference will explore how energy and emission saving in component and system design are being achieved. It will focus on the impact of refrigerant choice - driven by new F Gas Regulation design standards-  the changing requirements of European Safety Standards such as the proposed revisions to EN378 meeting and exceeding efficiency targets -driven by the Ecodesign Directive international policy- proposed amendments to Montreal Protocol opportunities offered by the role of new emerging markets (recycled/recovery/efficiency inspections, overseas developments and facilitating new technologies).

The conference will take place during the ACR Show and the programme has been designed to allow time for delegates to visit the exhibition. The event will start at 10.30am and conclude at 2.30pm. All attendees will receive a complete set of conference proceedings including summary papers, related documents and standards where available and copies of the presentations. A light buffet lunch is also included.


10.35-10.55 Coffee and Registration
10.55-11.00 Welcome and introduction. Chris Green, Chairman
11.00-11.15 Design in the future - using Eco-Design.   Judith Evans, London South Bank University & Refrigeration Development and Testing.
11.15-11.30 End of life treatment for ‘temperature exchange equipment under the WEEE Directive.   Julie-Ann Adams, Really Green Credentials
11.30-11.45 EN378: 2016 changes and challenges. Andy Pearson, Chairman of RHE18
11.45-12.00 Group questions for the morning speakers Chaired by Chris Green
12.00-12.45 Lunch
12.45-1.00 A case study. Ecodesign at Foster Refrigerator. Chris Playford, Foster Refrigerator
1.00-1.15 A global perspective on emission reductions. Daniel Colbourne, Re-phridge and member of the UNEP Refrigeration Technical Options Committee (TOC) for the Montreal Protocol
1.15-1.30 A case study: Minimisation of emission in the retail environment.Nick Franzen, Arctic Circle
1.30-1.45 Group questions for the afternoon speakers
1.45-2.15 Group discussion
2.15-2.20 Close


Source: <a href="http://www.ior.org.uk/" target="_blank">IOR</a>

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