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Working safely with flammable refrigerants

When: 27 January 2022
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Jan 27, 2022

Register for this free webinar for service engineers and technicians where there will be practical advice from experts in the application of systems containing refrigerants of various flammability categories. With most of the lower GWP refrigerant options now available having some degree of flammability it is vitally important that the industry knows how to use them safely. You can ask questions and find out how risk assessments and planning can help ensure that these refrigerants are used safely - even in areas where the public has access such as shops.

This Cool Talk is designed to give you plenty of opportunities to send in questions in advance or ask them on the day. It is also a great introduction to the work of the IOR.


  • Using flammable refrigerant safely in public areas, Jane Gartshore FInstR, Cool Concerns  
  • The use of flammables in small commercial applications, Ian Playford MInstR, Foster and Gamko

Certificate of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) will be available.

Register here

Read the global refrigeration news