2019 Güntner Group Data Center Cooling Symposium

Date: 16 September 2019
2019 Güntner Group Data Center Cooling Symposium

On August 22nd, 2019, the Güntner Group and the China Industry Technology Innovation Alliance for HVAC co-hosted the “2019 Güntner Group Data Center Cooling Symposium” in Shanghai. At this distinguished gathering with the theme “Safe, Reliable Performance and Resource Saving”, Güntner experts from Europe and the United States shared their experience from the forefront of global data center cooling applications. Meanwhile, guests from authoritative design institutes, research institutes, end users and peers in the cooling industry in China also attended the symposium and shared their unique insights and observations.The symposium was hosted by Mr. Xiao Youde, General Manager and Sales Director of Güntner China. Mr. Robert Gerle, Executive Director and Chief Sales Officer of A-HEAT Group (Holding company of Güntner Group), and Mr. Lu Bin, Vice President of the Alliance and Deputy Dean of the Institute of Building Environment and Energy Efficiency of China Academy of Building Research, delivered the welcome speeches.

“Study the past, if you would divine the future”

Mr. Robert Gerle started the conference by quoting the famous saying by Confucius from more than 2,500 years ago. “Chinese culture has influenced many other civilizations over hundreds of years with its brilliant know-how.” He also reviewed the development history of Güntner Group, “Like China, we never rest, we were never satisfied with the results we achieved, and we continuously force ourselves to improve – to be better! We all learned from the past, we are all experts in what we are doing. We just need to bring our know-how, our expertise and experience together to shape an environmentally friendly, a sustainable future!” The sage’s saying is affirmed by Güntner’s history of nearly 90 years. Mr. Lu Bin, Vice President of the Alliance, commented that “With the rapid development of the new generation of information technology, the number of data centers has been growing fast. Meanwhile, the energy consumption is also rising dramatically. In 2016, China's data centers consumed more than 120 billion kWh of electricity, which exceeded the total power generated by the Three Gorges Dam in 2016 (around 100 billion kWh). Reducing energy consumption in data centers and improving energy efficiency have become the goal of our country.”

Exciting keynote speeches on all brands

Jacob Wolfe, Vice President of Güntner US, Marco Baumann, CEO of JAEGGI (a company of Güntner Group) and Thomas Rohrlack, Sales Director of basetec (a company of Güntner Group) delivered exciting speeches on the current situation and market trends of data center cooling applications in Europe & America, dry cooler applications in data center cooling, JAEGGI hybrid dry cooling of data centers and “Waterloop” products & systems respectively.

JAEGGI hybrid dry cooling

JAEGGI hybrid dry cooling products and solutions have been involved in energy saving solutions for more than 30 years. The use of hybrid dry coolers combines the advantages of a cooling tower and a dry cooler in one unit. The units are used particularly successfully in free cooling applications and with 100% water.

Güntner dry cooling

Güntner’s dry coolers can provide water and energy savings in different ways, making for a low PUE: dry coolers with advanced HydroSpray Professional and HydroPad controls can reduce energy consumption; the advanced control methods have been developed to meter water used in adiabatic processes to maximize free cooling hours.

Basetec “Waterloop” system for small data center cooling

basetec “Waterloop” systems are the optimal and green solution for small data centers, server rooms for mobile operators and many other applications. Over 10,000 devices in the field show the appropriate safety and reliability of these systems. The integrated solution with pump station, electrics and controls make your life easy. As plug & play solutions, these devices are installed in no time.

Valuable input by Chinese domestic industry experts

Besides the excellent technical lectures from Güntner, domestic industry experts also gave valuable speeches at the symposium, including “Market trends analysis on data center development in China” (Xie Li Na, Senior Supervisor of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology), “Thinking about data center construction and maintenance in the 5G era” (Deputy Chief Engineer from China Telecom Shanghai Branch), “Prospects of data center cooling technology” (Li Hong Xia, professor level Senior Engineer from CITC design institution), “HXDI design institution case examples” (Ma De, Deputy Dean and professor level Senior Engineer from HXDI design institution).

Panel discussion on opportunities & challenges in data center cooling market

In the panel discussion section on the topic of opportunities & challenges in the data center cooling market, Wang Ying (President of Construction department of Shanghai Posts and Telecommunications Design Institute), Luo Zhi Gang (Deputy Dean of the Alliance), Dou Hai Tao (Senior Expert of Shenzhen Unicom), Luo Hai Liang (Senior Expert of China Mobile Group Design Institute) and Yang Jun (Sales Director of SPX Cooling China) expressed their unique insights from the perspectives of government policies & regulations, products, design, service and maintenance. The strict PUE policies, which are successively issued by the Chinese national government and local governments in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shen Zhen, are challenging the new-built large scale data centers; the booming of 5G is incubating boundary operation of data centers; the lack of methods for evaluating finished data center cooling systems; the missing of automation control and precise control will cause the loss of system efficiency, … Opportunities and challenges co-exist!

Perfect ending

The symposium was successfully concluded. It was not only a symposium introducing products and solutions, but also exploring the future of China’s data center cooling. Güntner is looking forward to bringing more “Safe, Reliable Performance and Resource Saving” products to China’s data center cooling market.

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