AIRAH and the IIAR sign memorandum of understanding

Date: 19 November 2020
AIRAH and the IIAR sign memorandum of understanding
AIRAH and the IIAR sign memorandum of understanding
AIRAH and the IIAR sign memorandum of understanding
The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) have inked a Memorandum of Understanding.
Headquartered in Virginia in the US, the IIAR represents companies and individuals working in the ammonia refrigeration space. Its members work in all facets of the industrial refrigeration industry, and include design engineers, contractors, end-users, students, scientists, and trainers.
The pact was signed by IIAR President David L.Rule and AIRAH President Ian Harwood, F.AIRAH. 
“This MoU achieves a number of objectives for AIRAH,” says Harwood.“By creating formal relationships with like-minded international member organisations, we can see there’s a strength in unity, in sharing resources, and in advancing common goals.
“It also shows how committed AIRAH is to the ‘R’ in our name. Refrigeration is an essential aspect of AIRAH, its goals, vision and actions. This MOU is a practical demonstration of that commitment.”
Says the IIAR: “The goal of the AIRAH-IIAR MOU is to develop and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship to promote the safe and efficient use of technology using ammonia and other natural refrigerants.”
The two organisations will become allies in providing advocacy, education and standards.
“AIRAH and the IIAR’s alliance will stimulate the exchange of association news publications; representation at key events of the other association; access to publications and training materials; committee participation; and regular communications to establish and execute initiatives that benefit both organisations,” Harwood says.
The pact with the IIAR is one of several AIRAH has with other HVAC&R member organisations around the world, including ASHRAE (US), ISHRAE (India), IRHACE (New Zealand), the IOR (UK), and SHASE (Japan).
Find out more on our website about: HVAC, refrigeration, industrial refrigeration, ammonia

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