For over ten years now, CAREL has been running its Join the Future program, aimed at bringing particularly deserving young people into the company. Once having gone through the strict selection criteria, recent graduates complete an internal and external training course, together with a specific assignment lasting three-and-a-half months, and followed by a lean project in the operations area.
The natural continuation of the experience at HQs is a period spent working at a foreign subsidiary, allowing new recruits to expand their knowledge of CAREL and acquire methods, tools and business models from the perspective of another country. The JTF 2019 intake is currently preparing to leave Italy for their assigned international destination. The subsidiaries that will welcome them are located in Spain, Great Britain and Germany, as well as China, Brazil and the United States.
“Join The Future is a consolidated, established program that we believe is distinctive to CAREL”, commented Carlo Vanin, Chief HR&Organization Officer. “Through this program we can hire deserving young people who are then trained according to the principles that we consider fundamental, including application know-how, an inter-functional and international approach, and lean methodology”.