Changes to the Nomination Committee in Beijer Ref

Date: 25 December 2020
Changes to the Nomination Committee in Beijer Ref

The acquisition by EQT Private Equity (EQT) of 29.6% of the capital and 26.4% of the votes in Beijer Ref (publ) from Carrier Global Corporation (Carrier) was completed on 22 December 2020.

As a consequence of the completion of the acquisition Albert Gustafsson from EQT will replace Muriel Makharine from Carrier in the Nomination Committee. Consequently, the Nomination Committee will comprise the following members:

Bernt Ingman, Chairman of Beijer Ref’s board of directors

Joen Magnusson, Member of Beijer Ref’s board

Patrica Hedelius, AMF Pension

Albert Gustafsson, EQT

Tommi Saukkoriipi, SEB Investment Management and Chairman of the nomination committee

Find out more on our website about: Beijer Ref, Carrier

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