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Chillventa AWARD goes into its second round

  • Chillventa AWARD 2018 presented in four categories
  • The motto “Connecting Experts” is put into practice and honoured
  • Outlook for Chillventa: New records set to be broken

Following the successful premiere of the Chillventa AWARD in 2016, NürnbergMesse and publishing house Bauverlag have every reason to host the high-calibre competition again and present the award at an official ceremony at Chillventa in October. The award recognises unique projects by teams of experts in the four categories commercial refrigeration, industrial refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps. The sending out of the application documents now marks the official start of the Chillventa AWARD 2018. Chillventa is more than “just” an internationally established and renowned trade fair. It’s where projects are initiated, trends are set and innovative products are introduced to the market. Without doubt Chillventa is currently the largest and most important international trade fair for refrigeration technology and the segments air conditioning, ventilation and heat pumps. For 2018 too, all signs are pointing to success, with the organisers once again expecting to see an increase in both display area and exhibitor numbers, as industry insiders and experts from all over the world gather in Nuremberg. “Chillventa Connecting Experts” really means what it says. “There are very few sectors that are as innovative and inventive as the refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and heat pump community. The presentation of the Chillventa AWARD in 2016 was further proof of this. The success of the award premiere and the excellent feedback from the industry were reasons enough for us to decide to host the competition again in 2018. We are looking forward to the submissions from which we will choose the best, most exciting and most innovative projects in four categories to receive the Chillventa AWARD. Chillventa is an ideal platform for an award of this quality,” say Chillventa AWARD initiators Christoph Brauneis, editor-in-chief of trade journals KKA and tab, and member of the jury, and Daniela Heinkel, Exhibition Director Chillventa at NürnbergMesse.

Chillventa AWARD acknowledges the achievements of teams of experts

The Chillventa AWARD is presented by NürnbergMesse in collaboration with Bauverlag, the publisher of trade journals on refrigeration and A/C (KKA Kälte Klima Aktuell) and building services (tab – Das Fachmedium der TGA-Branche). The Chillventa AWARD recognises the achievements of expert teams (designers/planners, system engineers, clients/operators) that have realized a highly impressive project in respect of functionality, energy consumption and technical innovations as a result of their exemplary collaboration that exceed technical standards. In its evaluation the jury – in keeping with the Chillventa motto “Connecting Experts” – will consider in particular how project stakeholders work together from conceptual formulation, planning and system engineering to operation of the system. In any project submitted for an award the quality achieved through partnership-driven design must be transparent and documented. Alongside these criteria, the Chillventa AWARD also takes account of the above mentioned aspects functionality, energy consumption and technical innovation. The jury’s evaluation also considers factors like adherence to budget and schedule, environmental aspects and certifications etc. Any form of refrigeration, A/C or heat pump system (new or rebuild) realised in Europe is eligible for a Chillventa AWARD. Any project for which the entrants are directly responsible and which has been completed by the submission date for the AWARD may be considered. The completion of the project must not be more than two years before the closing date.

Who can apply for the Chillventa AWARD?

Clients/operators, designers/planners and system engineers, as individuals or in consortia, with an office located in a European country, are eligible to participate, whereby any partners involved must be explicitly named. Manufacturers of components and systems from industrial or commercial enterprises are not eligible. However, eligible entrants may receive support with their submission from industrial and commercial enterprises.

The Chillventa AWARD Jury – a high-calibre panel of experts

  • Christoph Brauneis, senior editor, KKA and tab magazines
  • Professor Michael Deichsel, Georg Simon Ohm Technical University
  • Rolf Harig, Harig GmbH
  • Dr Rainer Jakobs, IZW Information Centre for Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Chillventa
  • Professor Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Pfeiffenberger, University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen, FGK Association for Air Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings
  • Bertold Brackemeier, Senior Manager Public Relations, NürnbergMesse

Second round of award ceremony at Chillventa 2018

The Chillventa AWARD will be presented in the four categories commercial refrigeration, industrial refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps. The winners in each category will be honoured during Chillventa on 16 October 2018.

Review and outlook: Chillventa success story continues

The KPIs from Chillventa 2016 were impressive. Chillventa achieved its best results ever with a total of 32,206 trade visitors from 118 countries. This represented an increase of 5.3% over the previous event. Another pleasing statistic was the total of 981 exhibitors. Even now, a good six months before the start of the trade fair, the indications for Chillventa 2018 are excellent. “Already, everything is suggesting that Chillventa 2018 will see renewed growth. We are very confident of at least repeating, if not surpassing, our already excellent results for display area and exhibitors,” explains Daniela Heinkel, Exhibition Director Chillventa at NürnbergMesse. For more information go to:

International refrigeration and A/C network

With the leading Chillventa trade fair and European Heat Pump Summit in Nuremberg, ACREX India and the European Pavilion powered by Chillventa at the China Refrigeration show, NürnbergMesse has in recent years established an impressive worldwide refrigeration, AC, ventilation and heat pump network. The focus of this network is also on “Chillventa Connecting Experts”.  

Read Winners of Chillventa Award 2016

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