ICA, Industria Chimica Adriaticak, has been producing wood coatings for more than 50 years. It’s still a family-run company, with 800 employees nationally and internationally. Last year’s turnover was around 118 million euro. ICA has grown extensively over the years and has seven buildings: two for production, others for administration, warehouses, and laboratories, covering a total surface of 25,000 m2.
ICA has significantly invested in research for this reason it has three main laboratories, for a total of 5,000 m2. The newest one is for chemical and physical tests, and it will be certified and open to the public.
In the new building extension, called ICA 2, there are laboratories, spray booths for water-based coatings and solvent-based UV coatings, offices, and of course bathroom facilities. The air conditioning plant is divided into two parts. The first part includes the heat pumps, Climaveneta branded: 2 NECS-Q 804, multi-purpose heat pumps that simultaneously produce hot and cold water, independently of the season, to guarantee the flexibility required by the client. In the second part there are 8 Air Handling Units (AHU), two of which are dual zone. All of them are equipped with cross flow heat recovery with a free heating and cooling system, a technology which maximizes efficiency and reduces energy consumption. All the AHUs are Fresh Air Handling Units (FAHUs), so all of them, save one, avoid the recirculation of air inside the rooms, to offer a high degree of comfort, as well as security.