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Corporate sustainability reports of refrigeration manufacturers

Date: 30 July 2018
Read corporate reports for 2017 on our website. The companies cover in them reports social responsibility and sustainability, transparency, innovation and human resources. Alfa Laval, Embraco, Emerson, Epta group, Danfoss Send us your reports for including in our overview. Please send on email the name, short description and link on your corporate report 2017.

Alfa Laval. "Chili con care"

The report highlights how Alfa Laval's products and solutions can contribute to sustainable development and how the company implement its Business Principles. Read report Alfa Laval 2017  

Embraco. "Sustainability. Communication on Progress"

The United Nations (UN) launched a global agenda for sustainable development towards 2030, with a set of global goals that governments are expected to adopt and that require partnerships with private sector, civil society and citizens.

With this, Embraco presents the COP - Communication on Progress - to detail the results, actions and initiatives that contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Read report of Embraco 2017

Emerson. "We See..."

“We See” is Emerson’s advertising campaign launched in 2017. This campaign highlights the ways company's innovations are helping solve the world’s toughest challenges and leave the world in a better place than they found it. "We see" - Emerson sees ability to secure and protect a prosperous future as more than a mission, it’s them responsibility. Read report of Emerson  2017  

Epta group. "Sustainability that reflects our identity"

The Epta Group has presented its sixth Corporate Social Responsibility Report, providing last year’s key economic, social and environmental results to stakeholders and Clients. It also defines future objectives, promoting sustainable growth and enhancing human resources. Epta set a high standard for the reiability of this report which has accordingly been certified by the TÜV Austria Cert GmbH Institute which applies the GRI (Global Reporting Initiatives) guidelines. Read report Epta group 2017  

Danfoss. "Sustainability Report 2017"

The Sustainability Report is framed in the context of Danfoss’ sustainability program. In essence, this report is about how the company do business responsibly and profitably, with a view to maximizing sustainable value creation for society. This report complements Danfoss’ Annual Report 2017, which presents the company’s business and financial results over the year and sets out strategy and priorities. Read report Danfoss 2017
Find out more on our website about: Emerson, Danfoss, Embraco

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