DAAS, an Epta Group company active in Romania, strengthens the “DAAS Academy: the future begins today” project dedicated to the training of future refrigeration technicians. This successful initiative is further proof of the Group's social commitment and focus on the younger generation.
DAAS training for refrigeration technicians: a new edition
The programme started in 2019 and is celebrating a double milestone this year: the graduation of the country's first 15 “Frigotechnists” and the recruitment of three of them, now new members of the DAAS team.
The latter, in particular, are attending an intensive course that will last four months, with the aim of acquiring all the knowledge and skills needed to start a career in the company's after-sales department.
In addition to giving an in-depth understanding of the industry and the various business planning strategies, the course, which is both theoretical and practical, includes modules on occupational health and safety, and teaches soft skills related to communication and teamwork.
As a new class begins a new cycle in the academy, the fact that some young people have already started their career in the refrigeration industry proves that the education system works well and guarantees excellent results.
Professional and technical training for refrigeration technicians
"DAAS Academy: the future begins today" is the result of a partnership between DAAS, “Elie Radu” Technological High School in Ploiești and the territorial administrative unit of the region.
An education that looks to the future and has several objectives:
- bridging the gap between the worlds of school and work through innovative teaching methods. Practical experience helps, in fact, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired at school and to orient the study path and career of young people;
bringing young people closer to a trade that is in high demand;
training skilled technicians capable of meeting the challenges imposed by technological progress and European and international regulations.
Daniel Mocanu, DAAS General Manager, says: “We are proud of this initiative dedicated to promoting training for refrigeration technicians. Our in-depth knowledge of the refrigeration industry and the experience of the 'Elie Radu' Technological High School in education will facilitate the professional integration of young people in local companies”.