eChiller wins Innovation Award of the Swiss Cooling Industry

Date: 13 December 2019
eChiller wins Innovation Award of the Swiss Cooling Industry
eChiller wins Innovation Award of the Swiss Cooling Industry
At the Swiss Cooling Expo last week in Fribourg, Switzerland, the eChiller won the 1st Grand Prix d’Innovation. Swiss distributor Kälte, Klima, Kopp exclusively presented the eChiller during the show and applied for the award.

The award is given by SVK/ASF (Swiss cooling Association) each two years for professional cooling. This year, for the first time, the GP of Innovation was organised. It honors and supports innovative products and technologies in the swiss cooling industry.

The jury consisted in representatives of the ministries for environment and energy, representatives of universities and independent experts, among others.

"We are very proud of having received this award and say a big “Thank You” for the committment to our distribution partner 3K", - said in the company.

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