The 2021 work programme fits with and builds upon the updated and revised 2020 work plan that was revised in May 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis.
While not all priorities are of immediate importance to the HVACR industry, it is useful to list them:
Eurovent has analysed the 2021 work plan and abstracted those plans that are relevant to the HVACR industry. Many of the proposed actions are continuing actions that have been announced earlier. Most of the proposals listed are already under way and both roadmaps and consultations have been launched (for details see GEN – 1164.00).
The definition of an SME has been set out in a legally non-binding recommendation (2003/361/EC). While no timeline is given, this definition will be updated. Because the SME definition is used in many EU legal acts, a new definition will require adjusted of these acts.
This includes the revision of the Construction Products Regulation and Machinery Directive as well as evaluation of Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and the New Legislative Framework for Products (see also GEN – 1164.00 on Roadmaps and Consultations).
A Roadmap with goals for 2030 will be proposed.
The Commission will continue the implementation of the circular economy action plan, looking at eco-design and sustainable products, including improving the collection, reuse and repair of products. The Farm to Fork Strategy will be continued.
New initiatives (already under way) are the sustainable products policy initiative, including a revision of the Ecodesign Directive and the zero-pollution action plan for water, air and soil.
Revision of Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive and the revision of Directive EU on industrial emissions. The adoption of these revision is planned for late 2021.
The Commission will focus on overhauling the relevant climate and energy legislation to align with the newly proposed target to reduce emissions by at least 55% (60%) by 2030, as compared to 1990 levels. This will be brought together in a ‘Fit for 55 package’ which will cover everything from renewables to energy efficiency first, buildings, as well as land use, energy taxation, effort sharing and emissions trading and a wide range of other pieces of legislation. The ‘Fit for 55 Package’ includes amendments to or revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive, revision of the F-Gas Regulation, the Energy Tax Directive and Energy performance of Buildings Directive.
The Commission will now start discussions with the Parliament and Council to establish a list of joint priorities on which co-legislators agree to take swift action.
The 2021 work programme is aligned to the EU Roadmaps and Consultations (see GEN – 1164.00). Where appropriate, Eurovent will set up Task Forces to prepare for an input. As it may not always be possible to agree on a common input, the Member Associations and manufacturers are recommended to respond to these Roadmaps and Consultations as well.