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IOR Trustee Elections open

Date: 08 September 2018
Voting is now open in the IOR Election to the Board of Trustees for 2018. The Board of Trustees set IOR strategy, ensuring it addresses the needs of membership as well as meeting its charity objectives and legal obligations. Trustees take an active role in the work of the IOR by joining a committee, taking part in steering groups and representing the IOR at key industry meetings. They also help promote the IOR at every opportunity.

 Voting closes at noon on 7th November and results will be announced at the AGM on the following day. This year, seven nominations have been received for two vacancies on the Board.
  • Jacinta Caden MInstR
  • Graeme Fox FInstR
  • Nick Franzen MInstR
  • Kelvin Kelly FInstR
  • Sam Parris MInstR
  • Andy Reed MInstR
  • Paul Singh FInstR
Read the Candidates' election statements here Eligible members (Member, Fellow, Associate and Technician grade) will have received an email with their unique voting code and a link to the secure voting site on 7th September. Those without emails are sent a postal ballot paper. 

If you have not received your voting email or have any technical queries please contact the independent election administrators

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