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Isopan launched the range of mineral wool insulated panels on the new production line in Romania

Date: 01 May 2018

In January 2018, Isopan Est, located in Romania, started the production of mineral wool insulated panels on a new line, in addition to those with polyurethane, already in production.

With a capacity of 1.6 million square meters per year, the line will produce for the South-East European market, mineral wool panels with superior performance in terms of reaction and resistance to fire.

The new line, which came into operation in January 2018, complements and diversifies the range of products already supplied by Isopan Est, satisfying the increasing demand for panels with resistance and reaction to fire on both internal and external markets.

The extraordinary properties of sandwich panels from Isopan make them a suitable solution as a shield against the climate changes thanks to the protection they provide from wind, water and fire. Recognised and appreciated because they respect the environmental standards and reduce the energy consumption of the building, the sandwich panels have been redesigned also in terms of shape and design.

A new production line means a shorter delivery time, a wider range of technical solutions and a range of products that cover over 95% of South-East European market requirements.

Isopan is the world's second largest producer of insulated metal panels for industrial, commercial, residential, livestock buildings and temperature-controlled environments.

Isopan manages six companies worldwide. The production units are located in Italy, Spain, Romania, Germany, Russia, Mexico (Isocindu) and two trading companies in France and Czech Republic.

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