Japan to help ASEAN chill out in food distribution

Japan's transport ministry will assist in the development of refrigerated-distribution networks in Southeast Asia to enable the region to meet growing demand for fresh foods, ultimately enhancing opportunities for Japanese businesses.


Transport ministers from Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' 10 members are to sign an agreement toward this end in Singapore this October.
They will look at the current state of logistics channels in each country and create two sets of common guidelines on chilled distribution for the bloc by autumn of next year. One will help governments draw up rules and regulations, while the other will give local distribution companies guidance.
The Japanese logistics industry's elaborate chilled-distribution system includes precise temperature ranges for such specific food categories as tuna; ice cream and other frozen products; vegetables, seafood and dairy; and rice.

Temperatures are tightly controlled at every step when transporting vegetables, for example, from the fields to warehouses, processing facilities, chilled storage and shops. Even ranges when loading and reloading trucks at warehouses are specified.

The guidelines will also cover rules for handling imports, including fruits, flowers and seafood, that will be drawn up with an eye toward current conditions in ASEAN.


Read more: asia.nikkei.com

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