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New members of the Danfoss Board

Chairman of the Board Jørgen M. Clausen on the new Board members: "I am happy to welcome Dr. Jörg Stratmann and Per Falholt onto the Board. They have – due to their experiences – some very unique competences, which will contribute to the continued development of Danfoss as a strong, global company, and help ensure full utilization of the major potential.” Dr. Jörg Stratmann has extensive experience with strategic management of international companies. He has special competences within international sales, development and production processes, and is PhD and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University in Berlin. Per Falholt has wide experience within the innovation and development of new products. Furthermore, he possesses special knowledge within fields such as global partnerships, inter-company relations and talent development. He has an MSc in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen. Dr. Jörg Stratmann and Per Falholt will replace Kasper B. Rørsted, who stepped down from the Danfoss Board at the AGM. The other Danfoss Board members are Jørgen M. Clausen, Björn K.O. Rosengren, Mads-Peter Clausen, Connie Hedegaard, William Ervin Hoover Jr., Dr. Jürgen Reinert, Sandra Nørgaard Bertelsen, Jens Peter Nielsen, and Lars Grau. At the Danfoss A/S Annual General Meeting on April 28, Dr. Jörg Stratmann (left) and Per Falholt (right) were elected as Danfoss A/S Board members. Read More
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