Message from the Minister

Last year New Zealand, along with 196 other Parties, adopted an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The Kigali Amendment sets in place a global phase down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). HFCs, which are used mainly in air conditioning and refrigeration, are potent greenhouse gases.
New Zealand does not manufacture HFCs but we do import them. As this is an international phase down, we will be able to tap into alternatives and new technology developed overseas.
I want to understand how New Zealand would best meet the obligations under the Kigali Amendment before progressing ratification in front of Parliament. This consultation document seeks your feedback on these controls. I also want your views on how we can support businesses to reduce demand for high global warming HFCs, and make the transition to more environmentally acceptable alternatives.
Several of our key trading partners are taking, or have announced plans to take, increased domestic action on HFCs. We need to be prepared for the changes in the international market for refrigerants as a result of this.
I am proposing New Zealand sets up a permitting system for HFCs. I would like us to start with a more ambitious step than we are required to under the Kigali Amendment.
I applaud the effort New Zealand industry has made so far in adapting and taking on new technologies to support the phase out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) under the Montreal Protocol. The phase out of these ozone depleting substances has had significant environmental and health benefits for New Zealand. I anticipate the industry will be able to adapt and take on this next big environmental challenge posed by HFCs just as successfully.
I welcome feedback on the Government’s proposal through this consultation document.
Hon Dr Nick Smith Minister for the Environment
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