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OzonAction-Ashrae Launch Refrigerant Literacy E-Learning Course

In the margins of the 39th Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) of the Montreal Protocol, held in Bangkok, Thailand, UN Environment OzonAction in partnership with ASHRAE presented and launched a new jointly produced web-based e-learning course entitled “Refrigerants Literacy.”  More than 130 delegates and meeting participants took part in the side event. Mrs. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Head, UN Environment OzonAction, welcomed all the participants and presented an overview of the OzonActon-ASHRAE partnership and the excellent technical cooperation which gave rise to this joint e-learning initiative. Mrs. Nair-Bedouelle challenged all National Ozone Units (NOUs) to take the course, which is offered for free, and to share it widely in their countries. She highlighted the importance of the Refrigerants Literacy course for all National Ozone Officers (NOOs), policy makers and technicians on the different refrigerants and their uses, especially useful for the national HCFC phase down. The keynote speaker, Mr. Bjarne Olsen, ASHRAE President, explained that the course is ideal for NOUs and all those involved in the Montreal Protocol. It is mainly designed for non-specialist in HVAC&R operation and servicing such as policy makers, procurement officers, buildings owners and facility managers, as well as HVAC&R engineers, consultants and technical people who wish to get an overall and holistic overview about refrigerants and its progression. Mr Olsen continued to explain the course and its operation, describing how it includes important background information and updates about refrigerant definitions, use and management – all of which is an essential part of the daily work of an NOU. Source: UNEP
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