REAL Alternatives 4 LIFE @Refrigera

Date: 05 February 2019
REAL Alternatives 4 LIFE @Refrigera

REAL Alternatives for LIFE - outreach and opportunities for training in alternative future refrigerants

On 21 February 2019, a workshop presenting the REAL Alternatives for LIFE project will be held during the REFRIGERA exhibition. See below information about the programme, timing and location.

  • Niccolò Costantini, EU Commission DG Clima: Standards for Flammable Refrigerants, training and certification, Illegal trade
  • Marco Buoni, President AREA: Opportunities to join the project (15 languages available), Outreach
  • Marino Bassi, Teacher for RA4Life in Train of the Trainers sessions: Experiences from the ToT delivered in the past few months
  • Silvia Romanò, ATF and Head International Affairs Centro Studi Galileo: Projects in Training and Certification in other parts of the world

Piacenza, ITALY
Thursday 21st Feb, 11.30-12.30, Hall  E – Leonardo

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