The 2023 IIR Activity Report is available online

Date: 28 May 2024
The 2023 IIR Activity Report is available online
The IIR is the world's leading organisation covering all applications and technologies related to refrigeration, such as food, health, cryogenics, heat pumps and much more. Its main objective is to disseminate information, foster scientific and technical exchange, and promote research and development towards sustainability in this crucial sector.

In 2023, the IIR carried out several notable actions, such as the publication of a guide on cold storage in developing countries with the support of the World Bank. The Coolfish project, aimed at developing environmentally friendly technologies for fishing vessels, was completed, as was the Indee+ project in India, exploring the use of carbon dioxide as a refrigerant, and the SophiA project in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on medical equipment powered by solar cooling.

The IIR is also committed to promoting clean energy and energy efficiency, organising conferences and training courses on these subjects.

Finally, the IIR has stepped up its efforts to combat climate change by promoting the use of natural refrigerants and raising awareness of the environmental impact of refrigeration.

2023 IIR Activity Report is available
Find out more on our website about: refrigeration

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