The virtual classroom training AEFYT, Association of Cold and technologies , continues at full capacity and is presented as an option ideal training during the weeks of confinement and / or mobility restrictions caused by the pandemic of the Covid-19 . Therefore, the management of the cold in Spain launches two courses that take place throughout the month of May. This is the first online course on "Improving Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration Systems" and first online course on " Compressor stations Multieyector of CO 2 . Defrost ".
"The firm commitment of AEFYT for online training cobra, right now, more important than ever. Our intention to bring learning without geographical borders to as many professionals as possible helps the sector cold moving forward and is fully prepared to take up to one hundred percent of economic activity " , said Manuel Lamúa, manager AEFYT .
The course will be taught by Ricardo Giménez López, an engineer with proven technical and teaching experience, and Felix Sanz, industrial engineer and assistant to the management of AEFYT, coordinated by Manuel Lamúa, AEFYT manager.
The course will be taught with Felix Sanz, industrial engineer and assistant to the management of AEFYT; Óscar Fernández, industrial engineer; and Cristina Martin, a mechanical engineer, both from the company Danfoss.
The two courses are specifically aimed at design engineers of refrigeration facilities, heads of engineering, refrigeration installers enabled, responsible for maintenance and security officers of refrigeration systems multipurpose refrigerated warehouses, ice factories, dairies and dairy industries, among others.