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TPTPR 2017. Resume.

TPTPR2017: yet another successful conference in the TPTPR series In 2001, the IIR established a series of specialised conferences focusing on thermophysical properties, heat and mass transfer processes, and overall performance of refrigeration working fluids and this year, the 5th conference in this series took place on April 23-26 in the Conference Hall of the Seoul National University, Seoul (South Korea). The theme “Creative Refrigerants for Low-Carbon and Green Growth” reflected the urgent need to identify replacements for high-GWP refrigerants that are efficient and have a low global warming potential. With over 150 participants from 12 countries, the conference technical program featured 85 technical presentations, including six plenary keynote lectures given by Y. Kim (South Korea), P. Domanski and P. Hrnjak (U.S.A.), C. A. Infante Ferreira (The Netherlands), R. Wang (China), and E. Hihara (Japan). The technical papers were presented in three parallel sessions on the first two days of the conference, and two parallel sessions on the final day and the conference came to an end with a tour of the ‘Digital City’ visitor centre at the Samsung Headquarters (see photo).     Technical content paving the way for future technologies Most of the papers presented at the conference researched some aspect of new-generation refrigerants with a low global warming potential (GWP) and the scope of these studies was broad and included, among others, thermophysical properties, heat transfer performance, and safety. Some sessions discussed heat transfer performance devoted to the heat transfer of hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), both single-component hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) and their blends with conventional hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). A noticeable concentration of these studies was on small diameter passages (less than 4.5 mm) with interesting findings reported based on local measurements. Lively Q&A discussions and participant interaction fostered dynamic exchanges during the technical presentations. And if all that wasn’t enough, participants enjoyed a conference banquet which took place on a cruise boat setting sail on the Han River amidst a lively scenery of city lights. The IIR would like to thank conference co-chairs Prof. Yong Tae Kang (Korea University), Prof. Min Soo Kim (Seoul National University), conference general secretary Prof. Jae Dong Chung (Sejong University) and all those who contributed and devoted time to a yet another successful conference in the TPTPR series. Read More
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