GEN - 901.00. In 2015, members of the United Nations (UN) adopted an agenda with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to improve the living conditions of people everywhere. The agenda was later complemented with the Paris and Kigali agreements on climate change. The UN together with partners from governments, civil society and businesses is aiming to achieve this agenda by 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals
Motivation to provide this information to members
While Eurovent and its members are primarily concerned with European developments, the world beyond is also developing. Many developments take place under the umbrella of the UN and, even though many of its actions are not legally binding, there is an understanding that governments should work towards the achievement of the goals.
The main goal is the improvement of living conditions everywhere which often is translated as the developing countries. The improvement of living conditions in general is supported by bringing adequate technologies to these countries. The laudable goals can and are accompanied by actions to bring technologies to these countries. This can happen in various ways.
Members of Eurovent could benefit from looking at some of the actions that are taking place that basically are opening markets for their equipment. Even though this takes time, accompanying some of the developments may make sense. An example is the Global Food Cold Chain Council that has been set up by major companies to advocate through UN and other actions the benefits of the cold chain.
17 Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 SDG are diverse and even when directed towards the developing countries there are opportunities for industry, even though not immediately visible.
SDGs that should receive attention are
- SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
- SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
- SDG 13 Climate action
- SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals
SDG 7 - Cooling for All
“Cooling for All” is an initiative within SDG 7 to identify the challenges and opportunities of providing access to affordable, sustainable cooling solutions for everyone. The initiative commenced by establishing a Global Panel on Access to Cooling, uniting eminent industry experts and public leaders with the aim to provide evidence for access to environmentally friendly, affordable cooling solutions for citizens, especially those in low-income countries.
The panel has prepared a report accessing cooling. The draft report includes preliminary ideas on pathways to increasing access to cooling, especially for those at the bottom of the pyramid, and initial thoughts on programs to stimulate action. This report is for review by the Global Panel and a small circle of stakeholders. The final report will be published in July.
Through GFCCC, Eurovent obtained a copy of the draft report that makes for interesting reading and could be useful in planning long-term strategies to access new markets.
SDG 13 - Climate action
These actions are in general well known from the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the publicised Paris and Kigali agreements that aim to keep global warming under control.
Related to this goal are the Ozone Actions by UNEP (UN Environmental Programme) that provides for partnerships and contacts to multilateral funds, UN Development Programme, UN Industrial Development Programme, World Bank and others. ICARHMA, GFCCC and other meetings are often attended by UNEP staff where they announce and offer the possibility to participate in their actions.
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals
To achieve the goals the UN is counting on partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. It is very much counting on the public sector in developing countries to set up frameworks and incentives to enable investments towards the goals.
Recommended actions
The world of UN is complex. Yet, it can make sense to look at some of their actions as pointers for future developments and or access to markets. Useful to know are the companies and bodies that are associated as partners.
The enclosed GEN - 901.01 - Draft scoping report 'Cooling for all' gives a flavour of what is taking place in this particular field. Some of the reference to ongoing actions may prove of interest.
The Eurovent Secretariat is very much looking forward to your comments, in particular whether the UN developments should be monitored more closely.
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