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Designing of ammonia refrigeration equipments

Ammonia - a high-energy efficient refrigerant technology application which differs from other types of refrigerant due to its high heat of vaporization. Ammonia refrigeration systems with proper design using modern innovative technologies are very cost-effective and efficient, provide competitive technical and economic parameters, even with the additional costs to maintain safe operation. In this case it proves useful integrated approach to reconstruction, while implementing security tasks and reduce energy operating costs in the production of cold. Modern ammonia refrigeration equipment complies with all European quality standards and safety regulations, ensuring the maximum benefit when using ammonia refrigeration system type. The design department of JSC "Myasomolmontazh" produces various kinds of design and estimate work on the development of new construction, modernization and technical re ammonia refrigeration and cooling systems for enterprises of meat, dairy, fish, fruit and vegetables, processing, food industry and factories of interbranch. The structure of the project includes both the design engineers and highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in practical work. Currently design department of "Myasomolmontazh" the following activities: - Development schemes and space-planning decisions machine and hardware departments ammonia refrigeration plants (ARP); - Modernization and retooling of available machinery and hardware departments ARP given promising load and applicable regulations; - Development schemes and space-planning decisions ammonia cooling systems of refrigerators, technological workshops and cold rooms; - Modernization and retooling of ammonia cooling systems of refrigerators, technological workshops and cold rooms; - Development schemes and space-planning decisions to install new automatic ammonia distribution devices for cold rooms and technological devices; - Development of replacement projects chamber ammonia equipment connected to existing refrigeration; - Development of projects for replacing ammonia trunk routes and pipelines. - ARP inspection of equipment, piping, valves, insulation with the preparation of executive and technical documentation and issuing recommendations on the nature and volume of modernization; - Issues of adequate space, fencing, machinery spaces and offices ARP hardware, availability of the necessary emergency exits, air locks, etc.; - Determination of the required loads for ammonia refrigeration equipment, the development of thermal calculations; - Examination and analysis of the alarm system gassed premises with installed ammiakosoderzhaschim equipment; - Definition of the categories of premises with established ammiakosoderzhaschim equipment, calculation of the energy potential of the equipment; - Examination and analysis of the automation ARP develop recommendations for the optimal maintenance of heat and humidity regimes, introduction of microprocessor technology for automatic protection and management of refrigeration equipment; - Development projects aimed at eliminating ammonia refrigeration plants; - Development of the necessary and required estimates for all stages and sections of the project; - Development of technical specifications for the design of ARP and tasks required for the survey of existing support structures and buildings. Works are carried out with the design of complex engineering services and support structures of power supply, automation, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, drainage, security, construction, metal and concrete, etc. When designing apply all existing experience, as well as innovative designs that combine a high efficiency refrigeration systems, a significant increase in performance and durability of the equipment. All this simplifies maintenance of the equipment and ensures reliability. In developing the design of the company's experienced designers precisely follow the current regulatory documents, fulfill all the requirements of manufacturers of equipment that makes our project documentation competitive. Result is completely finished working project complies with all applicable SNIP, tap and contains all the necessary information (diagrams, drawings, specifications, equipment and materials). Together with the project customer receives accurate detailed estimates for equipment and installation works. The cost of works on design is to conduct the examination in a specialized organization of the project and obtaining conclusions about its compliance with the requirements of industrial safety.

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