Güntner Product Configurator

Quick and reliable thermodynamic calculation and proposal submission

Download your Güntner Product Calculator for free

All you have to do is enter the required application data into the easy-to-use GPC interface. Based on your indicated operating conditions (desired refrigerant or coolant, ambient humidity, evaporator and condenser temperatures) and the accessories required, the software will perform an exact thermodynamic calculation (even for unusual applications).

The clear benefits of the GPC at a glance:

  • All product data are available in electronic form.
  • The software is provided free of charge.
  • Interface and printout are available in 15 languages.
  • The software shows prices and delivery times.
  • The software is suitable for all operating conditions.
  • After calculations are complete, a data sheet can be printed out for submission.
What's new in the Güntner Product Configurator?

A number of new features and revisions has been additionally implemented into our popular design software. In the following, we would like to briefly introduce these updates.

Clear presentation of the product portfolio

The product series are now colour-coded according to their respective product line (Compact, Vario, Application). This makes for a good structure and better comprehension. The presentation is now consistent with the product presentation on our homepage and in our product brochures.

Condenser calculation based on mean temperature

It is now possible to calculate condensers with the mean temperature. This method allows for an exact design of units for recent refrigerant mixtures having a high temperature glide as it takes into account their specific characteristics and thus reduces the impacts of the temperature glide on the heat exchangers to a minimum. For the full technical publication on the subject of "Designing evaporators and condensers for refrigerant mixtures with high temperature glide", please visit: ->Technical Articles

Three new refrigerants available

These new refrigerants are now available: R454C from Chemours, R455A from Honeywell and R457A from Arkema. All three of them are characterised by a low GWP. In contrast to the other two refrigerants though, R455A has a high temperature glide. This has a major influence on the configuration and the operation of the heat exchangers respectively, and should be considered for calculations.

The above-mentioned technical article provides a thorough explanation on this topic.

Subcooler and oil cooler as separate unit category

It is now possible to select subcoolers and oil coolers already on the welcome page via a separate unit category. This allows you to save a few steps when searching for a specific product.

Drag & drop functionality

You already have a number of GPC designs? You can now easily open them by dragging them to the GPC mask and by dropping them there. The program will automatically open the files.

Pressure drop indication for condensers

Güntner is the only manufacturer that states the refrigerant-side pressure drop on the data sheet. This is because we want to support you in your plant efficiency observations. Only this indication – even for several condensers with different pressure drops – allows for hydraulic balancing.

Find out more on our website about: evaporator, Chemours

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