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Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality keeps fresh and frozen foods at the right temperature

Spezzano Trasporti S.r.l., based in the Southern Italian town of Corigliano Calabro in the Cosenza province, Calabria, has ordered a total of 15 premium refrigerated box trailers from Kögel. The forwarding company, which specialises in the transport of fresh and frozen foods among other things, will predominantly be using the new Cool – PurFerro quality trailers in the warm climate of Southern Italy. Spezzanowas particularly impressed by the standard equipment and the high degree of individualisation of the Kögel refrigerated boxes. Standard Highlights of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality To make the loading and unloading process as quiet as possible, Kögel Coolers are fitted with low-noise aluminium floors as standard. In the floor area, the premium refrigerated boxes come with welded aluminium floor pans for increased hygiene and simpler cleaning. The floor pans also prevent moisture from penetrating the load-bearing structures, which significantly increases the service life and cost-effectiveness of the trailer. It goes without saying that the trailer also fulfils the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) requirements for safeguarding consumer health with regard to temperature-controlled food transports in international goods traffic. The refrigerated box trailers also comply with ATP/FRC requirements. The box bodies of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality trailers consist of a high-quality, more advanced, highly insulating, 100-percent CFC-free, special foam polymer. The robust, easy-to-maintain steel ceiling layer is also coated with hard PVC film on the inside. The 60-mm-thick walls, 85-mm-thick roof, and 125-mm-thick floor are made by Kögel and ensure a significantly improved thermal transfer coefficient (K-value). This efficient protection against temperature effects reduces energy consumption and cuts costs. In addition, the trailer comes with the load-securing certificate DIN EN 12642 Code XL as standard. This shows that it is particularly suitable for form-locked transport of general cargo and palletised goods. Spezzano individual equipment Of course, the Kögel premium refrigerated box trailer is also available with a wide range of individual equipment for the most diverse of requirements in the various fields of use. If required, Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality trailers are also available with Ro-Ro equipment for accompanied ship and ferry transport, with four pairs of heavy-duty lashing rings with 12,000 kilogrammes of test force, and with signage in accordance with DIN EN 29367-2. In addition to a pair of double steel traction rollers, there are two rows of rubber protective bumpers on the frame closure panel and a rubber protective strip mounted on the left and right of the portal frame. Optional tier and anchoring rails, directly moulded into the walls, render a complicated retrofit structure superfluous and help drivers to secure the load quickly and reliably. For example, the 12 stage rails per side wall and their accompanying pallet carriers can be loaded with up to 33 Euro pallets. Additional special equipment includes a fully automatic axle lift on the first axle, a brake wear indicator system, a temperature logger, a pallet storage box for 36 Euro pallets, a pair of additional brace locks at the rear, a steel lamp holder, various LED lights and more. Cathodic dip-paint coating: Lasting protection from corrosion On the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality, the entire vehicle frame is also given long-lasting protection against corrosion by nano-ceramic and cathodic dip-paint coating, supplemented with a coat of UV varnish.

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