To meet the demands of the market in terms of energy efficiency and ease of installation, Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems presents i-BX-N: the new Climaveneta branded air-cooled heat pump for residential use. The new range, from 4.20 to 34.3 kW, is available in single-phase and three-phase versions, with and without the hydronic kit and in cooling-only version (i-BX), to meet all the comfort needs of residential and small tertiary sectors.
The i-BX-N and i-BX ranges use Mitsubishi Electric inverter compressors, to create synergy between the Group's technologies, while at the same time guaranteeing the highest quality for new products. The high efficiencies at partial loads guaranteed by inverter technology allow the units to achieve and exceed seasonal heating efficiencies, SCOP, and cooling efficiencies for chillers, SEER, defined by the ErP guidelines for environmentally sustainable design. The performances achieved by the ranges show average values ??of COP = 4.09 and a SCOP = 3.82 for the heat pump and EER = 3.08, and ofSEER = 4.41 in the cooling only version.