New Aspen Pumps M4R Tank Pumps

Date: 14 November 2020
New Aspen Pumps M4R Tank Pumps
RectorSeal announced a new product family to Tank Pump assortment, the Aspen Pumps M4R Tank Pumps. The Aspen M4R Tank Pump boasts many exciting features, all of which make it one of the best tank pumps in the field. With the Aspen and RectorSeal brands, you can be assured of unsurpassed build quality and performance as a standard. The M4R Tank Pump is an automatic condensate removal pump for heating and air conditioning systems.

  • Quiet – one of the quietest tank pumps on the market
  • Low profile design – allows installation in variety of environments
  • Neutral coloration – complements leading manufacturer’s furnace & A/C units
  • Easy installation & maintenance
  • Wall or floor mounted with 4 inlets provide complete versatility
  • Quick-release tank allows removal and cleaning of the tank while the pump is still attached to the wall
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