The 3-way electrical CTR valve marks a break-through in the configuration of the heat reclaim solution, replacing multiple ball valves that have in the past been used to regulate the flow heat from compressor pack/rack to heat ex-changer.
The new technology applied in the CTR valve allows full proportional control of the heat flow to prevent pressure peaks that lead to instability lowering efficiency or may even shut down the system. The CTR adjusts the flow to match the actual demand for heating and hot water at any time. The CTR has a rated Maximum Working Pressure (MWP) of 140 Bar and conforms to both UL and PED standards.
Easy to service
Easy serviceability has been an important parameter in the design of the CTR valve. The result is a valve that can be disassembled, serviced, and put back into service within just a couple of minutes.
Designed to prevent leaks
The leakage of refrigerant is a hot topic in high-performing refrigeration solutions, including CO
2systems. The CTR is designed to be leak tight with no movable parts in contact with the outside. In addition, the motor is an integrated part of the design.
"From our close cooperation with leading retailers around Europe we know that leakage is a growing concern. Therefore, we have designed the CTR as a compact and fully integrated, leak-free unit. Where other solutions have motor and valve as two separate parts we have built the motor into the valve, which not only eliminates the risk of leakage, but also simplifies the assembly of the system", explains Tommy Jozefowicz.
Suited for warmer climates
The discussion about the relevance of heat reclaim in warmer climates is still raging, but CTR supports the opportunities of recovering the large amounts of surplus heat from the packs that can be used for hot water, heat required in de-humidification systems, and comfort heating as required. It can even provide a revenue stream for those facilities that are connected to a district heating utility.
Facts about the 3-way electrical CTR 20 valve
Type : CTR 20
- Pressure rating: up to 140 bar
- Fully serviceable cartridge design means that the valve can be taken apart for service
- Full proportional control of the heat reclaim system
- Leak tight, motor integrated in valve
- Available for combo weld or solder/braze
- Available for DN 25.
- Controlled by Danfoss XM208C or EKD316/C controllers
- Will be fully integrated into Danfoss Smart Store Controllers in 2017
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