Lifecycle engineering systems, including refrigeration in different companies is very different and it depends on the quality of the operation from investments made in the current repair and maintenance. But for production, equipped with refrigeration systems in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, even with timely and current repairs of the presence of highly qualified service personnel or technical re-reconstruction is inevitable.
Refrigeration plants and equipment, spent more than a quarter century not meet modern requirements, both in terms of the business owner - low efficiency and insecurity at work, and in terms of regulatory authorities, in particular the RTN.
Engineering Company Ltd. "OK" has extensive experience in technical re-equipment and reconstruction of industrial refrigeration systems. On the example of technical re-equipment of Lipetsk Khladokombinat present the main stages of this work.
Examination of existing refrigeration system - this is the first and one of the most important stages of the work on the quality of implementation of the survey depends on the correctness of decisions.
At the Lipetsk Khladokombinat specialists of "OK" made a survey of constructions of the engine room, measurements in existing hardware office and shop ice cream, a survey of metal capacitor grounds and sites for equipment, measurements and calculations of the equipment in operation during peak, off-peak and periods transients. Based on surveys conducted by experts of "OK" were developed and presented to the management of Lipetsk Khladokombinat several options technical upgrading of the refrigeration system in terms of reduction of energy consumption, reduce ammiakoemkosti, increasing automation. Particular attention was paid to minimize investment costs, given the limited financial resources available for investment.
Cold Storage
Selection circuit and planning decisions depended on many factors listed above, and the opportunity to perform works without disturbing the cold storage facility. Using a compounding scheme allows to save energy, so compounding scheme was implemented refrigeration. The location of the engine room next to the ice cream shop provided an opportunity to reduce energy loss as reduced length of the low-temperature pipelines, which also allowed to reduce the cost of installation materials. Proposed experts "OK" solution for placement in close proximity to the cooler outdoor installation with circulation receiver ammiakoemkost possible to reduce the pressure loss of the system and in an extended return conduit through which liquid-vapor mixture, instead of moving only steam. Another solution is because the minimum heat load falls on the winter operation. At this time requires only cold at minus 35 ° C and can be used all capacitors for maximum possible reduction in condensing pressure. Provides a possibility of compressor units isotherm minus 35 ° C with a single-stage economizer mode, allowing to ensure the operation of refrigeration equipment in energy-efficient mode.
Equipment selection was carried out with the possibility of placement of refrigeration equipment in existing buildings in accordance with applicable building codes and regulations. Played an important role and a list of customer requirements. As a result of study options on the equipment stopped firms Mayekawa, Guentner, Danfoss and some Russian. Experts "OK", it was agreed with the manufacturer of compressor units change dimensions with the size of the engine room.
Cooling system design produced in 3D. This format greatly facilitated the task of designing installers. Working with the three-dimensional model at the installation site has significantly reduced time installation. Three-dimensional model of the system used by the operating personnel Khladokombinat.
Installation work under the supervision engineers LLC "OK" were carried out in three stages.
At the first stage - the engine room and connect with the outside of the refrigerator unit. Work was carried out without stopping the refrigerator.
In the second stage - made technical re ice cream shop. Distribution units Coldroom shop moved into the engine room. Were also modified in the glycerol solution circulation system to quickly switch flow depending on turning on and off line process.
Made installation of a two-ice-water system. New ice water cooling unit is fully automated. All switchgear freezers ice cream shop refitted given automatic shutoff refrigerant. Disconnecting supply is also possible from the premises of the operator. Cold fingers mounted route, passing through the cooling chamber and protected metal mesh fencing.
At the third stage - after the cooling system at full cooling was turned off and dismantled the old engine room equipment previously installed in the old engine room two compressor units Sabroe, were moved and installed a new engine room.
Commissioning of cooling system were successful. Refrigerator provides a given temperature. Debugged monitoring parameters of the refrigeration system. Management system allows flexible and quickly change control algorithms. It is possible to produce an extension management system by adding refrigeration equipment without capital expenditure and production shutdowns. Multiple levels of access allow you to track all activities of operators and reduce the human impact on the operation of the refrigeration system in hazardous conditions.
The monitoring system allows real-time graphics to build all the parameters of the refrigeration system to control energy consumption refrigeration equipment, inform the staff about the timing of regular preventive maintenance. Based on the accumulated historical data monitoring system can build practical conclusions about the impact of a parameter on the efficiency of the plant, saving resources, environmental, energy, water metering and more.
Second life on a higher level of quality specialists of "OK" given refrigeration systems by LLC "Ice Cream Factory" in Vladivostok, confectionery factory named. Krupskaya in St. Petersburg, Russia Nestle ice cream factory in the town of Zhukovsky, Brewery "Heineken" in St. Petersburg, "Yoshkar-Ola Meat Processing Plant", "Ivmolokoprodukt" in Ivanovo, Ostankino Meat Processing Plant in Moscow and many others.