GreenChill Webinar: EPA’s Latest SNAP Rule

Date: 02 July 2024
GreenChill Webinar: EPA’s Latest SNAP Rule
Regulatory Updates: EPA’s Latest Significant New Alternative Policy (SNAP) Program Rule.

Join us for an informative webinar on Thursday, July 25, from 1 – 2 PM Eastern, hosted by GreenChill.

Presenters from the EPA will provide a comprehensive overview of the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program and the newly finalized SNAP Rule 26. This rule introduces key updates and changes, including:

  • Listing of 10 New Refrigerants: These refrigerants are now acceptable for use, subject to specific conditions in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.
  • Incorporation of Latest Industry Standards: The rule references the latest versions of relevant industry standards.
  • Modification of Use Conditions for R-290: Specific changes have been made for R-290 in two end-uses.
  • Exemption for R-290: In the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use, R-290 is exempted from the Clean Air Act Section 608 venting prohibition.

This webinar will focus on how SNAP Rule 26 impacts retail food refrigeration end-uses, offering valuable insights for professionals in the field.

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