"R152a", Found: 3
R152a HFC Single-component A2 153 550 R23 HFC Single-component A1 14 700 12 400 R227ea HFC Single-component A1 3 580 5 830 R236fa HFC Single-component A1 9 120 7 820 R245fa HFC Single-component B1 966 3 190 R32 HFC Single-component A2L 749 ...

R152a and R227ea, with a GWP around 1,890. R448A in multiple refrigeration and air conditioning end-uses. Its GWP is around 1,390. R449A in multiple refrigeration and air conditioning end-uses. It has a GWP around 1,400. R449B in multiple refrigeration ...

R152a, R161 and R23. Some of HFCs are also the components of commonly used HFC blends like R404A and R410a, which are also covered under the amendment. HVAC&R industry players broadly welcomed the Kigali Amendment as a concrete follow-up to ...