25 years of Eurovent Market Intelligence!

Date: 29 July 2019

Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI), the European Statistics Office for the HVAC&R market, has just published the results of its studies for 2018 sales in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), based on the data collected from a large number of industry manufacturers. Read the report on our website.

To mark this occasion, we interviewed the Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI) team.

EMI team

EMI team: Left - Yannick Cotrelle, Manager; Center - Inna Collet, Analyst; Right - AnaЛs Hamon, Analyst

How are the 2019 collections going?

Yannick Cotrelle: The 2019 collections have been a success once again this year, with more than 300 participants with an increase of 9% in comparison with last year. In addition to this representation, the timeline of data was also the order of the day, the results have never been delivered this early before, around the start of March for most of the programmes.

Inna Collet: Among the collections that were the most successful, you can find the usual programmes, such as chillers and air handling units (AHUs), however also pool dehumidifiers that have enjoyed an exceptional increase of 26% with close to 20 participants. Moreover, this programme will be the subject of a redesign in 2020 to conform with the needs of the manufacturers.


What new features is EMI offering in 2019?

Anaïs Hamon: Previously, you could only view the results of the collections in tables, which you could see on our website or download as an Excel file. Now, our participants also have access to geographical maps and dynamic, interactive graphs. This means that not only do they change depending on what you select (country, product segments, etc.), but you can also click directly on the graph to update the map or on the map to update the graphs. Given that you can also view your market share, rank or even the evolution of the market, this allows sales managers to animate presentations by basing them directly on this new tool.

EMI website view - market evolution

EMI website view - market evolution 

Have you also launched new programmes?

Yannick Cotrelle: EMI has strengthened its expertise in the air conditioning market by launching new collections of statistics on VRF and Split System sales. These have brought together more than twenty companies, among whom are the leaders of the three main countries of production: Daikin (Japan), Midea (China) and Samsung (South Korea). This has already allowed us to identify trends in VRFs, like the market position of models with capacity above 50kW, or again the growing success of cassette-type interior units. 


Where does Eurovent Market Intelligence rank in comparison to other market data suppliers, such as consulting firms?

Yannick Cotrelle: In a way, we are complementary. We differ from traditional consulting firms in that we cannot divulge the market share of a company nor its commercial strategy. In effect, our figures are based on the sales data declared directly by the manufacturers, they are treated as strictly confidential and without this commitment to confidentiality, EMI would not exist. Conversely, our market data is a lot more detailed – it draws on statistics tables that combine several thousand data points per country – and most representative of the market, currently no other body exists with the same coverage rate as ours.

Anaïs Hamon: We also provide quarterly results on chillers, fan coils, AHUs and rooftop units markets and we have seen growing interest in this subject from manufacturers. While five years ago manufacturers represented only 56% of our participants in the annual collections, today this figure has reached 74%; which is not negligible given that, in the meantime, our total number of participants has also grown.

EMI website view - market evolution

EMI website view - market split


What are the projects for 2020?

Inna Collet: It is still too early to make a decision about the new collections that will be launched in January, but one thing is certain, we will continue to prioritise the improvement of our online tools, with greater flexibility in terms of data extraction and more choices and interaction in terms of visualisation. We will also try to strengthen our representation of regions at the periphery of the European Union, such as Russia, Turkey and India. 

That’s why we will attend several exhibitions in March 2020 like Acrex in Delhi and Climate World in Moscow, and the next Eurovent Summit will take place from 22 to 25 September 2020 in Antalya in Turkey.

Market Intelligence Committee - 14 May 2019 in Paris

Market Intelligence Committee - 14 May 2019 in Paris

Know more on website Eurovent Market Intelligence

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