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The Latest Technologies in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 2021

Where: Italy, Europe
When: 10 June 2021 - 11 June 2021
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The 19th European Conference will bring to the stage the customaryspeeches and presidency by major Institutions, Associations and Experts worldwide, such asUnited Nations Agencies (invited UNEP, UNIDO, UNDP, FAO), the European Commission (invited DG Clima), plus American, European, Asian HVACR Associations (invited AHRI, ASHRAE, EPEE, ASERCOM, Eurovent, JSRAE, JRAIA, CAR). 

The focus of the debate will be the latest technological innovations in the HVAC/R field, in particular to tackle climate change, together with renewable energies, training and certification, the latest regulatory standards and safety. 

After the introduction by UNEP and IIF-IIR, the first session will focus on energy efficiency, new low GWP refrigerants and their developments, perspectives andforecasts in light of the updated EU Regulation 517/2014, while simultaneously providing in-depth analysis and updates on the Regulation itself. 

In the afternoon of Thursday 10th June, during the second session the main industries of the RACHP sector (partners that collaborate with Centro Studi Galileo) will present their latest technological solutions, with overviews of new components and systems that deal with new and alternative refrigerants, tackling the challenge of environmental protection. 

The Conference will continue on Friday 11th June, starting with the third session dedicated to F-Gas Regulation 517/2014 and concerning European and international certifications and licenses, discussing also the worldwide Phase Down situation. The fourth session will follow, featuring interesting and up-to-date debate on new control technologies and the cold chain, cold storages and transport;including discussion of food conservation, with relevant contribution from the Food and Agriculture Organization. 

Prior to the conclusions, undertaken by UNEP and IIF-IIR, the 19th European Conference will welcome a final, fifth session focused on new efficient and renewable cooling, featuring technologies such as evaporative, district and magnetic cooling. 

Now more than ever, in this crucial moment of global change and adaptation, the Conference will shed light on pivotal topics thanks to demonstrations and scientific presentations by the Presidents of majorAssociations worldwide, together with industry representatives; thus, it will be a great opportunity for the attendees to engage in a relevant debate while deepening their knowledge on the topic. 

All throughout 2020 the world has seen demonstrations on the importance of the RAC sector. Mechanical ventilation systems can be great allies in the fight against Covid-19, thus guaranteeing a healthy and safe environment is all the more fundamental. As has been widely shown, HVACR operators have played and continue to play a key role in these months; by installing, repairing and maintaining ventilation and refrigeration systems that allow supermarkets, hospitals and companies to run and provide us all with essential services.

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