The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), in collaboration with authorities from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden, has issued an update on efforts to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Europe. The progress stems from 5,600 scientific and technical comments gathered during the 2023 consultation, which are currently being evaluated by ECHA’s Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) committees along with the Dossier Submitters.
The feedback aids in refining PFAS information, identifying unnamed uses in the initial proposal. Newly recognized uses, such as sealing, technical textiles, and certain medical applications, are included in sector assessments. Discussions around alternatives to a complete ban are ongoing. Potential options allow continued PFAS production and market presence under certain conditions, especially where a ban might disrupt socio-economic stability. Areas under review include batteries, fuel cells, and electrolysers.
ECHA’s committees continue assessing these alternatives, comparing them to the original options of a full ban or time-limited derogations. Further details on the process are available in the latest progress update.
ASERCOM Supports ECHA's Progress on PFAS Restriction Update
ASERCOM, the Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, has expressed support for the progress update from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) regarding the universal PFAS restriction proposal. The association is pleased with the recognition of fluoropolymers in sealing applications as a separate subgroup, highlighting their critical importance in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry.
Fluoropolymers are essential for sealing applications due to their unique properties, such as chemical resistance and temperature stability, which are vital for the durability and efficiency of compressors and RACHP systems. ASERCOM underscores the need to maintain access to PFAS-based applications that play a crucial role in the industry.
For instance, fluoropolymer bearings like PTFE reduce friction in compressors, ensuring energy efficiency and longevity. Insulation materials such as PTFE and FEP are key for safe and reliable wiring due to high electrical resistance and durability. Additionally, electronic components with fluoropolymer coatings provide necessary chemical and temperature resistance, enhancing the reliability of HVAC&R systems.
ASERCOM advocates for a balanced regulatory approach that appreciates these applications' significance while seeking alternatives and reducing emissions. The association is committed to offering science-based insights in ongoing discussions, highlighting the role of PFAS materials in supporting energy-efficient and sustainable RACHP solutions.